Enron Mail

Date:Wed, 28 Feb 2001 23:43:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Scott Neal/HOU/ECT on 03/01/2001 07:43 AM

Robert B Cass
02/21/2001 05:33 PM
To: EOL North America Traders
cc: David Forster/Corp/Enron@Enron, Savita Puthigai/NA/Enron@Enron, Sheri
Thomas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer deBoisblanc Denny/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melba
Lozano/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin Meredith/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Chris Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT

Before you begin trading your EnronOnline products on March 1st ...

Review the dates on your products.

We are in the process of converting "regular" products to "Tokenized
Reference Period" Products.

A Tokenized Reference period product is one which the system sees as "Day
Ahead", "Month Ahead", "Month Ahead +1", etc - but this is not what you or
your customers see. At midnight every night, the system checks the current
date and then CHANGES the dates shown on the Product Description. For
example, if Product #20451 is "Month+1", then on Feb. 28, the Short
Description on the Website and in Stack Manager would show "April1-30".
However, on March 1, the system will automatically change the date of Product
#20451 to show "May1-31". Note that the Product number stays the same, but
the date has automatically updated.

When all of your Products use Tokenized Reference Periods, this works fine -
your links all stay on the same relative date (links are between Product
Numbers, not between Product Short Descriptions, so as the date changes, it
might look like your links are changing, but in fact they have stayed on the
same Product all the time - only the date changed).

Believe it or not, changing to Tokenized Reference Periods will make your
life easier in the long run - you will not have to continually create new
Products and links. Links between Products which share the same dates should
continue in effect as the dates of both the Parent and Child change together.

The important thing to remember here is that for monthly Products which have
Rolling Tokenized Reference Periods, the dates will continue to change
automatically on the 1st day of each new month.

For example:

On Feb. 28, the "Prompt Month" product will be March; but on March 1, it will
become April, etc.
On Feb. 28, the "Prompt +1 Month" product will be April; but on March 1, it
will become May. etc.

To verify if your product has a Tokenized Reference Period or if it has a
specific date, please review your product in Product Manager under the 1st
tab marked "Product Details." Your product will be "Tokenized" if it has
the following applications:

There will be a check mark in the box after "Lifespan Tokenized?"
The term "Prompt Month" or "Prompt Month +1" will be displayed in the next
scroll-down box.

If you have any questions about the set-up of your products, please contact
the following members of the EnronOnline Product Control Group:
Rob Cass x 35491
Kevin Meredith x 39555
Melba Lozano x 58986
Chris Walker x 37533