Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Indian Guides Campout Feb. 16-18, 2001
Date:Fri, 9 Feb 2001 03:15:00 -0800 (PST)

Colton and I will be there some time during the day on Saturday and will
spend the night.

David_M_Benninger@reliantenergy.com on 02/09/2001 10:45:02 AM
To: "Butch Butcher" <butch@watsonmoving.com<
cc: <efalldr@aol.com<, <rkgbh@aol.com<, <stehrfamily@aol.com<,
<jbyrd@byrdinterior.com<, <sneal@enron.com<, <letenhave@freewwweb.com<,
<troy_utz@ml.com<, <rhancock@nmhn-law.com<, <joe_a_hays@oxy.com<,
<Jimmy.Daggett@ST-Systems.com<, <paul.stehr@stdreg.com<, <marks@stes.com<,
<Delozier.S-Don@usa.conoco.com<, "Butch Butcher" <Butch@watsonmoving.com<
Subject: Indian Guides Campout Feb. 16-18, 2001

Brother Butcher and I are still in need of a final list of who's in and
who's out for next weekend's Indian Guides camp-out at Brazos Bend state
park. Given the proximity of the park to our neighborhood (less than 1 hr
away), most everyone (like me!) will be coming and going to meet other
commitments back at home - SO THAT'S NO EXCUSE !!!

To refresh your memories, the itinerary for the weekend is get to the park
Friday after school and set up before dark. (For those who need to go down
there later (Sat morning or afternoon) the location of our campsite will be
at the entrance to the park.) Once we get there, the activities are
bicycle riding, touch football, fishing (bring your own gear) and boys
playing grab-ass in general. THE ONLY SCHEDULED EVENTS ARE A DINNER
BREAKFAST SUNDAY AM. For food purposes, we need to know an accurate
headcount for Saturday night and Sunday morning. If you need help getting
your bikes to the park, get with Butch, he's looking into getting a trailer
(or something). We can settle-up on food, campsite rentals, lottery
tickets, ... when we get there. Maps for those who need them will be
provided next week.

Oh yes, this is real camping, as in tents, sleeping bags,
flashlights,lanterns, etc. Please feel free to bring snacks and drinks.
Of course, this is all subject to weather cooperating. We'll make the
final call on that by Thursday.

To date, below is the headcount:

Friday Night Saturday Night

Fallick ? ?
Stehr ? Yes
Byrd ? Yes
Neal ? ?
Ten Have ? ?
Utz No No
Hancock No No
Hays ? ?
Daggett ? ?
Suchman ? ?
Delozier ? ?
Butcher Yes Yes
Benninger Yes Yes

Please RSVP to me or Butch ASAP by e-mail or phone (Benninger: 713/207-1329
(w) or 713/984-1572 (h); Butcher: 281/541-1878 (cell) or 281/497-6612 (h).
