Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Need your approval - Generic ID Request -- 2nd Letter
Date:Thu, 10 Aug 2000 05:19:00 -0700 (PDT)

see approval attached

Bhavna Pandya
08/09/2000 09:59 AM
To: Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Roberto Deleon/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Need your approval - Generic ID Request -- 2nd Letter


Need your approval on the attached word document as soon as possible. After
you have approved it, we can load the critical notice program to the machine
next to me. The purpose of requesting a generic ID is so that when there is
a problem our team (Yan Wang and two other IT persons) can fix it on the

Thank you.

Bhavna Pandya

---------------------- Forwarded by Bhavna Pandya/HOU/ECT on 08/09/2000 09:49
AM ---------------------------

From: IRM Audit @ ENRON 08/09/2000 09:13 AM

To: Bhavna Pandya/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimberly Brown/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Roberto Deleon/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Generic ID Request -- 2nd Letter

SRRS# KBRN-4MNKFG is in a 'pending' status awaiting the return of the Risk
Acceptance Form sent to you on 07/31/2000. This request will be cancelled if
the completed and approved Risk Acceptance Form is not returned by August 11,

Risk Management & Audit
---------------------- Forwarded by IRM Audit/Corp/Enron on 08/09/2000 09:04
AM ---------------------------

Enron North America Corp.

From: IRM Audit 07/31/2000 11:24 AM

To: Bhavna Pandya/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimberly Brown/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Roberto Deleon/Corp/Enron@Enron

Subject: Generic ID Request

Security Request # KBRN-4MNKFG for Generic ID is not compliant with Enron
Company Policy. Before your request can be processed, please complete the
attached Risk Acceptance Form and return no later than 8/7/2000.

Please ensure that you follow the instructions at the bottom of the form.
Please note that no privileges will be granted until the approved/completed
form is returned.

Risk Management & Audit
---------------------- Forwarded by IRM Audit/Corp/Enron on 07/31/2000 11:15
AM ---------------------------

Security Resource Request System
Application Line Item Pending Access Approval

Application Name: Risk Acceptance How to process this request...
For: bhavna pandya
Request Type: Grant
Role(s): Generic ID
Comments: (Per Bhavna, needs generic ID so that anyone can log on to a
particular PC that has certain "codes" that a developer will save to that
machine's hard drive. Generic ID= CRINFO1 (name=critical info) -07-28-00 Ecn)
Click .
If you wish to approve this request, select "Approve" in the dialog box.
Otherwise, select "Reject".
Enter comments (if any).

Access Approval Section
Approver(s): IRM Audit/Corp/Enron
Roberto Deleon/Corp/Enron

Provider Approval Section
Provider(s): Information Risk Management/HOU/ECT Status:
E-Mail Message:


General Request: KBRN-4MNKFG
Requested By: Kimberly Brown/HOU/ECT Phone: 713-853-5193
Company: 413 RC #: 0765
Priority: High

Icons Added: Expiration Date:
UNIX Db Required: No
Network Login ID: UNIX Login ID:
Required Information:
General Comments She needs a second login for a machine next to her . Please handle
as soon as possible

Editing History (Only the last five (5) are shown)

Edit # Past Authors Edit Dates
1 Information Risk Management 07/28/2000 03:33:08 PM