Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Reliant Energy-Entex -- Large Volume Contract Customers
Date:Tue, 6 Feb 2001 06:25:00 -0800 (PST)

Cc: thomas.martin@enron.com
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X-From: Scott Neal
X-To: Susan Elledge
X-cc: Thomas A Martin
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I don't know if such a letter exists. Tom, do you know - also, who might be
able to help
Susan with the information requested below?

Susan Elledge @ ENRON
02/06/2001 01:33 PM

To: scott.neal@enron.com
Subject: Reliant Energy-Entex -- Large Volume Contract Customers Agreements

Hello Scott,

I recently received a request from Entex to provide a list of active
contracts between ENA and Reliant Entex. I have come across a file
containing more than one contract for them, specifically the Natural Gas
Services Agreement - Large Volume Contract Customers (96001983, dated
9/1/93), and the Natural Gas Sales Agreement - Large Volume Contract
Customers (96001980, dated 9/1/93). By letters from you dated 2/21/97, both
of these contracts' terms were extended to 3/31/00. Additionally, there is a
letter dated 1/13/00 extending the term of the Services Agreement
to10/31/02. I would like to know if there was a 1/13/00 letter extending the
term of the Sales Agreement. If there was, I need to get a copy for the
file, and make the amendment in Global Contracts.

Thanks for your help. If you have any questions, please give me a call.

Susan Elledge