Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Request for a short phone call
Date:Sun, 12 Nov 2000 12:21:00 -0800 (PST)

I will correct the spelling and forward the letter to you tomorrow.

From: Amr Ibrahim@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 11/12/2000 08:19 PM
To: Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Request for a short phone call


This is very kind of you and I really appreciate it very much. I shall phone
you to thank you on behalf of my family and myself as a stop gap measure till
I am back from India by 1st week of December to thank you in person.

The lawyer has asked me to compile all the letters, thus kindly send it by
internal mail to Amr Ibrahim, EB4737B. Finally, strange as it might sound,
the lawyer has spelled my first name in the letter wrongly as "Amir", and I
wonder if there is still time to correct it to "Amr" without the "i". If
this is a bit late, then it is fine as it stands.

Once more, thank you very, and I really appreciate it.

Very best regards


Scott Neal@ECT
11/12/2000 07:35 PM

Subject: Re: Request for a short phone call

I have prepared a recommendation letter as you have requested. It is my
pleasure to do so. Please advise as to when to send, etc. I am available to
visit on the phone any time after 2:3opm any day this week. However, I will
be out of the office on Thursday and Friday Nov. 16-17.

From: Amr Ibrahim@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 11/06/2000 02:28 PM
To: Scott Neal@ECT
Subject: Request for a short phone call


I hope that all is well. India is still going strong with additional
involvement in commodity trading (electricity, fuels...etc.)

Please advice of the best time to phone you this week to seek your help in
reference to compiling letters of recommendation for the Green Card
application. The application, supported by Enron, will be under the "Alien
of Extraordinary Ability" Category. I am sure that your recommendation will
go a very long way and I am hopeful that you will agree to help.

I am enclosing the email I received from the lawyer and the sample letter
suggested. I am trying to highlight--where the lawyer indicated--the attempts
to safeguard and promote US investment in Argentina, the rapport I had with
the various echelons of authority in that country, and shed light on
character and ability. Please feel free to add/delete as you see fit and
advice of any comments and/or suggestions.

Needless to say, and regardless of outcome, I really appreciate your help and

Best regards


----- Original Message -----
From: Law Clerk 2 <lawclerk2@tindallfoster.com<
To: <amr_I@swbell.net<
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 11:36 AM
Subject: Sample letter of resommendation

< _______________
< Tindall & Foster, P.C.
< Email Message from Tamara D. Bruce
< Dear Mr. Ibrahim:
< Pursuant to your seeking Permanent residency through the Alien of
< Extraordinary Ability Category, please find attached a sample letter of
< recommendation. Please forward this document to those you wish to write
< letters of recommendation for your application. The more recommendations
< can get, the better. Please ask them to place the letter on their
< and to make any adjustment they so wish to make, returning to you. Once
< receive these letters of recommendation, please forward them to us to be
< included in your packet. Should you have any further inquiries, please do
< not hesitate to contact me
< Sincerely yours,
< <<Sample letter of recommendation.doc<<
< Tamara Dawn Bruce
< Law Clerk
< Tindall & Foster, P.C.
< 600 Travis Street, Suite 2800
< Houston, Texas, 77002-3094
< Telephone: (713) 229-0636, ext. 1177
< Mobile: (281) 686-3809
< Fax: (713) 228-1303
< <mailto:Lawclerk2@tindallfoster.com<
< <http://www.tindallfoster.com/<;
< _____________________________
< CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: This electronic message contains information
< from the law firm of Tindall & Foster, P.C. and may be confidential or
< privileged. The information is intended to be for the use of the
< or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware
< any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of this
< message is prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please
< notify us immediately by reply email or by telephone at (713) 229-8733 and
< delete the material from any computer.
< _____________________________

- Sample letter of recommendation.doc