Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Tree Stumps Removal
Date:Wed, 26 Jul 2000 03:21:00 -0700 (PDT)

I agree.

"Conrad Neal" <cneal@bc-arch.com< on 07/26/2000 09:31:48 AM
Please respond to <cneal@bc-arch.com<
To: "'Scott Neal'" <sneal@enron.com<
cc: "'Bill Neal'" <billnealmd@hotmail.com<, "'Chris Neal'"
<chrisn@thisco.com<, "'Eric Neal'" <ericn@thisco.com<, "'John Neal'"
<muddywaters@hubserv.com<, "'Todd Neal'" <todd.neal@chron.com<
Subject: Tree Stumps Removal

Scott: Barry called me this morning and asked if we would want to get the
stumps ground of the trees removed in the yard. He said the tree man had a
relative that would do it for a $70 set up fee plus $5 per stump (approx 14
stumps). The tree man will deduct this off of what he owes us for the trees.
I told Barry to go ahead as it needs to be done and the price is right.


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