Enron Mail

Subject:BioSecure to Offer Personal Bio-Protection Products
Date:Fri, 16 Nov 2001 19:39:44 -0800 (PST)

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Welcome to Stockupticks.com Newsletter =09Issue #15 - November 16, 2001 =

[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] e-Blast [IMAGE] Editor's Note [IMAGE] He=
re at StockUpTicks we try to be very selective regarding the companies that=
we expose to our membership. Since we're not a "pump", "tout", or "hype" =
service and don't render opinion about our featured companies, we'll never =
pressure you to buy or sell these stocks. However, we are very proud of th=
e performance of our featured companies. Before you read about BioSecure, =
today's featured company, take a look at how each of the companies we've fe=
atured over the last couple of months have performed. All percentages be=
low are based on today's close (Nov. 16, 2001) Featured Company Profile Dat=
e Price Day Before Profile Today's Closing Price % Increase SAFH October 26=
, 2001 .76 .86 + 13% GPRX November 4, 2001 .92 1.15 + 25% GTXE November 1=
2, 2001 .84 1.55 + 84% OZLU September 4, 2001 1.07 1.81 + 69% ***That's =
an average increase of 47%*** Remember, these aren't necessarily the highe=
st prices since our mailings. Rather, these are the actual percentages bas=
ed on today's prices compared to the trading day BEFORE we published. In=
some cases the stocks have actually traded much higher. Today's Featured =
Company is BioSecure (OTCBB: YCCI) (Presently Known As Yes Clothing Co. =
Inc) As company's inevitably succeed or fail in the publicly traded aren=
a, their listings are often acquired by new companies in what is known as a=
reverse merger. In this instance, BioSecure has acquired the "shell" of Ye=
s Clothing Co. for its own purposes. Obviously, Yes Clothing Co. is no lon=
ger an active part of this publicly traded vehicle and the stock symbol (YC=
CI) is now reflective of the business plan of BioSecure Corporation. [=
IMAGE] Personal Protection Products [IMAGE] Effective personal protecti=
on is essential to any person who may be exposed to potentially hazardous s=
ubstances. Since the Sepember 11th attacks changed our lives forever, many =
believe that situations may arise when people at home or work may be expose=
d to bio-hazards. BioSecure will develop, license, purchase, and market bio=
-technical products to consumers and businesses to assist in preventing or =
minimalizing any exposure to harmful biological or chemical agents. [IMAG=
E] [IMAGE] Breaking News from BioSecure (OTCBB: YCCI) [IMAGE] In the tra=
dition of Stocknight and Stockupticks, we have asked BioSecure to publish i=
ts press release after the market closed today so that our members get to s=
ee it first and have time to research and decide before the entire market r=
eacts on Monday. Friday November 16, 9:31 pm Eastern Time Press Release=
SOURCE: Yes Clothing Company Inc. Yes Clothing Company Inc. Board of Di=
rectors Approves Name Change to BioSecure Corp. Company to Develop, Lic=
ense and Market Personal Bio-Hazard Protection Products NEWPORT BEACH, Cal=
if.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 16, 2001--Yes Clothing Company Inc. (OTCBB:YCCI =
- news) today announced that the company's board of directors has approved =
the company's name change from Yes Clothing Company Inc. to BioSecure Corp.=
The company intends to identify and develop, license, purchase and mark=
et bio-technical and other personal protection products under the name BioS=
ecure Corp. The name change resolution adopted by the board will be subm=
itted to the Securities and Exchange Commission and shareholders in accord=
ance with the current proxy rules, within the next few weeks. All shareh=
olders of record will receive instructions on where to send their existing =
certificates in exchange for new certificates. Subject to approval, the co=
mpany will effect its name change, a corresponding change of CUSIP number a=
nd a change in the trading symbol within the next 60 days. ``The name ch=
ange will effectively separate the company's historical business from its f=
uture activities,'' said Jon Lawver, corporate secretary and director of Ye=
s Clothing. ``The board is enthusiastic about entering this market at a tim=
e when the world is on heightened alert and there is an obvious need for pe=
rsonal protection products. ``The BioSecure name will better represent t=
he personal protection products the company will be developing and marketin=
g. The recent bio-terrorism events have made it clear that hazardous mater=
ials are now part of our daily lives and BioSecure products will be introdu=
ced to address everything from anthrax to the more mundane bio-hazards that=
exist in every business and residence, like copier toner and cleaning prod=
ucts.'' Visit the BioSecure Web site at: http://www.iamprepared.com/ . =
About Yes Clothing Yes Clothing operated a successful woman's wear clot=
hing line under the trade name ``Yes'' until 1997. The company discontinue=
d its clothing business in 1997 and its board of directors has been seeking=
business opportunities in other industries in order to rebuild. Safe Ha=
rbor Statement Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This release con=
tains forward-looking statements that are subject to risk and uncertainties=
, including, but not limited to, the impact of competition, inability to se=
cure investment capital or financing, new and untested products, uncertaint=
y of revenues and earnings, fluctuations in stock price and liquidity, fluc=
tuating operating results and other risks detailed from time to time in the=
company filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Contact: =
Yes Clothing Company Inc., Newport Beach Jon Lawver, 949/833-5=
381 or Market Pathways Shannon T. Squyres, 949/955-1=
860 (media & investor relations) Click here for YCCI quote & news =
[IMAGE] The Product Line: PROTECT YOURSELF FROM... [IMAGE] Contami=
nates and Pathogens Toxic Materials Chemical Splashes Flying Particles Bact=
erial Outbreaks Unsafe Atmospheres including: Gases, Vapors and Mists. [=
IMAGE] Be Prepared In An Emergency The First Defense Anthrax Personal =
Protection Kit Provides You With Breathing Protection Gloves Safety Gu=
idelines Antiseptic Cleansing Towels Protection That Fits In A Purse, Br=
iefcase Or Lunchbox To Enable An Easy And Safe Evacuation Of An Infected A=
rea This is the same type of protection recommended by the Centers for Di=
sease Control for many mail handlers Now it's available for everyone ! * =
[IMAGE] For Online Product Information [IMAGE] www.iamprepared.com =
[IMAGE] Company Contact [IMAGE] Jon Lawver Tel: 949-833-5381 Fax: 949-8=
33-7854 [IMAGE] IMPORTANT INFORMATION [IMAGE] This product greatly re=
duces but does not eliminate the risk of transmission of infectious disease=
s. * CDC recommended NIOSH approved respirator masks and NITRIL or vinyl gl=
oves for any mail handlers, in its CDC health advisory letter CDCHAN-000450=
1-10-24-ADV-N. Want to feature YOUR company to over 1 MILLION investors?=
Click here to learn more about our programs or email us directly at inf=
o@stockupticks.com Safe Harbor Statement:Statements contained in this do=
cument, including those pertaining to estimates and related plans other tha=
n statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements subject to =
a number of uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materia=
lly from statements made. Disclaimer: StockUpTicks.com is a property of =
Market Pathways Financial Relations Incorporated (MP). The information, op=
inions and analysis contained herein are based on sources believed to be re=
liable but no representation, expressed or implied, is made as to its accur=
acy, completeness or correctness. This report is for information purposes =
only and should not be used as the basis for any investment decision. Cons=
ulta LLC has agreed to pay MP $48,000 for distribution of this report and a=
dditional distributions and services over the next three months. This cons=
titutes a conflict of interest as to MP's ability to remain objective in it=
s communication regarding the subject company. Write or call MP for detail=
ed disclosure as required by Rule 17b of the Securities Act of 1933/1934. =
MP is not an investment advisor and this report is not investment advice. =
This information is neither a solicitation to buy nor an offer to sell secu=
rities. Information contained herein contains forward-looking statements a=
nd is subject to significant risks and uncertainties, which will affect the=
results. The opinions contained herein reflect our current judgment and a=
re subject to change without notice. MP and/or its affiliates, associates =
and employees from time to time may have either a long or short position in=
securities mentioned. Information contained herein may not be reproduced =
in whole or in part without the express written consent of Market Pathways =
Financial Relations Incorporated. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=
? Stockupticks 2001, All rights reserved [IMAGE] =09

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