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Initially, Chris Ordway was assigned to schedule Dominion and Iroquois pipe=
lines. Now, after quickly mastering those two pipelines with their associa= ted responsibilities, he is scheduling TETCO's market area and production a= rea as part of a two person scheduling team. Chris has quickly learned the= gas business and has adapted easily to change. He's been able to prioriti= ze his workload and meet all scheduling deadlines as well as our weekly and= monthly accounting deadlines. He has a strong desire to learn more about t= he company and has made personal sacrifices to make sure his work gets done= correctly the first time. I am very impressed at the speed at which he ma= stered our trading system, Sitara and our nominations system, UNIFY. He ha= s also now familiarized himself with 3 pipeline EBB's (NRG, Escript and Li= nk) as well. He streamlined various pathing processes on Dominion and corr= ected volume management issues on Dominion surrounding metered production.= From a commercial perspective, the traders are impressed with his sense o= f urgency during trading, his adaptability to change directions in mid-stre= am and his ability to explore better economic options while scheduling gas = on either Dominion, Iroquois or TETCO. Chris is very quick and forthcoming = with information during trading. He doesn't try to solve all issues by hi= mself. In addition, he will actively solicit other opinions before he atte= mpts to answer operational problems.=20 Chris has a very good sense of humor and is very easy to get along with. T= hose traits are pivotal in a high-stress trading and scheduling environment= . His communication skills allow him to extract pertinent information from= customers, competitors and operations personnel. He's also very relentles= s in his pursuit of information. Chris typically doesn't settle for a "no"= answer or a response that doesn't make sense to him. He is the consummate= team player. He backs up for Dominion and Iroquois and has scheduled all = of TETCO market/production area at one time. Chris was willing to schedule= 3 pipes at once in a backup role. He worked well with his partner and has= built a good rapport with many of his industry contacts as well as his pip= eline representatives. In a very high stress environment, Chris has never = lost his cool or been disrespectful. =20 =09 Chris quickly learned all Enron internal systems as well as external pipeli= ne systems and bulletin boards. For someone so new to the game, he's got = a good understanding of how gas moves on his pipes. He can determine the be= st mix of transport/supplies/markets to optimize flow and cost-effectivenes= s. He also familiarized himself with the VNG asset management deal and deve= loped a method to capture storage and burn figures correctly. Chris has th= e complete trust of his peers, his traders and his management team when mak= ing daily decisions affecting his pipelines. He shows a lot of interest i= n learning and improving his understanding of the industry and the operati= ons of his pipelines. Chris has a very bright future in this group and in = this company. He is already working at the same level of performance as hi= s peers that are at the senior specialist level. In addition, I was also p= lanning on putting him up for promotion at year-end 2001 before the bankrup= tcy occurred. Due to all these reasons, I recommend Christopher Ordway be= promoted to Senior Specialist as soon as possible. Please feel free to call me with questions or concerns. Victor Lamadrid (3-4221) East Desk Logistics Mgr. =20