Enron Mail

To:judy.townsend@enron.com, chris.germany@enron.com, scott.goodell@enron.com,scott.neal@enron.com, andrea.ring@enron.com, craig.taylor@enron.com, tammi.depaolis@enron.com, w..pereira@enron.com
Subject:FW: FERC Rejects FTW Rates for Transco -- Again
Cc:robert.allwein@enron.com, tracy.wood@enron.com, meredith.homco@enron.com,clarissa.garcia@enron.com
Bcc:robert.allwein@enron.com, tracy.wood@enron.com, meredith.homco@enron.com,clarissa.garcia@enron.com
Date:Tue, 5 Jun 2001 10:46:19 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Cantrell, Rebecca =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, June 05, 2001 11:17 AM
To:=09Fletcher, Brenda H.; McMichael Jr., Ed; Smith, George F.; Muhl, Gil; =
Townsend, Judy; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Tate, Paul; Superty, Robert; Concanno=
n, Ruth; Calcagno, Suzanne; Lamadrid, Victor
Subject:=09FERC Rejects FTW Rates for Transco -- Again


NGI's Daily Gas Price Index published : June 5, 2001 FERC Rejects FTW Rate=
s for Transco -- Again Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp. last week stru=
ck out again in its eight-year effort to obtain firm-to-the-wellhead (FTW) =
transportation rates similar to those enjoyed by its competitors. Respondi=
ng to a remand from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, the Com=
mission after conducting a "detailed review" upheld its earlier rejection o=
f Transco's bid to levy two-part FTW rates on distribution customers served=
by the pipeline's production-area mainline [RP92-137-050, RP93-136]. It co=
ncluded that the FTW rate structure would force distributors to pay for ser=
vice that's not included in their contracts with Transco. Therefore, Transc=
o's existing IT-feeder transportation rates for service on its supply later=
als will remain in force. The "fundamental issue" in this "long and somewh=
at tortuous" case is: who should pay the fixed costs of Transco's supply la=
terals -- 1) the producers and marketers who contract for service on the su=
pply laterals and currently pay all of the fixed costs; or 2) Transco's fir=
m transportation customers (distributors) who converted from bundled sales =
to transportation on the pipeline's mainline? The producers and marketers, =
who transport gas on Transco's supply laterals, favor a switch to a two-par=
t FTW rate structure because it would lighten their fixed-cost burden. Tran=
sco advocates the rate shift because it believes this would encourage more =
producers to attach their supplies to its system. But the pipeline's distri=
butor customers are opposed to being charged FTW rates on supply laterals, =
which they don't use. FERC agreed with Transco's distributor customers -- =
who it calls FT-conversion customers -- in its remand decision. After condu=
cting a lengthy examination, "we conclude that the FT- conversion customers=
' firm contracts [distributors] with Transco do not include service on the =
supply laterals. Rather, the producers and marketers contract and pay for t=
he IT-feeder service [on the laterals]," last week's order noted. "Therefor=
e, the 'Memphis' clauses of the FT-conversion shippers' contracts cannot au=
thorize Transco to require the FT-conversion customers to pay two-part rate=
s for service on the supply lateral not included in their contracts. We, th=
erefore, reaffirm our rejection of Transco's proposal to unilaterally impos=
e FTW service on the FT-conversion shippers." =09