Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Market Insight: Economic Recovery to the Rescue
Date:Mon, 4 Feb 2002 18:26:39 -0800 (PST)

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From: TD Waterhouse [mailto:eServices@tdwaterhouse.com]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 4:07 PM
To: sneal4@houston.rr.com
Subject: Market Insight: Economic Recovery to the Rescue


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Market Insight for February 4, 2002=09
[IMAGE] Economic Recovery to the Rescue By Arnie Kaufman, Editor, The Ou=
tlook =09

Stay with a positive investment approach. =09
Corporate accounting and earnings quality issues, high P/Es and fear of a=
dditional terrorism remain a drag on the market. Another restraint: Dynami=
c leadership is absent and may not be seen until signs of improvement in =
information technology spending breathe new life into that deeply depresse=
d sector. But barring dramatic new financial irregularity disclosures, th=
e chances are good the market will soon start moving forward again. The dr=
iving force, we believe, will be an improving economy. S&P chief economi=
st David Wyss feels that if inventory rebuilding accelerates sharply in th=
e period just ahead, it is possible the first quarter will show strong GDP=
growth and the second quarter a relapse into negative territory. He point=
s out that the 1990-91 recession was the only one since the 1950s that did=
not have a positive quarter sandwiched between down quarters. Wyss thinks=
the more likely scenario, however, is a smoother pace of inventory accumu=
lation and rising quarter-to-quarter GDP growth through 2002. This forecas=
t implies upward-trending earnings this year and next. Investors, burned=
badly by the 2000-2001 bear market, are in a show-me state of mind. Short=
sellers and others who bet stocks will fall have become bolder lately, an=
d institutions have been moving cautiously. All of this suggests that a go=
od deal of fuel for an advance exists. It wasn't a good omen that the S&=
P 500 index slipped in January, losing 1.6%. As mentioned a week ago, of t=
he 19 times in the postwar period that the "500" has fallen in January, th=
e index then went on to score a gain for the full year only seven times an=
d suffered a loss for the year 12 times. That was against a backdrop of 2.=
4 up years for each down year for the 56 years from 1946 through 2001. O=
n the other hand, a decline in the S&P 500 this year would be the third in=
a row, and that hasn't happened since 1941.=09

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=09=09 [IMAGE] =09
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en 'eServices.' =09

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ogin to your account and select 'My Account' then 'My Info.' Or e-mail us=
at eServices@tdwaterhouse.com =09