Enron Mail

Subject:FW: order from Tejas web site
Date:Sun, 6 Jan 2002 19:03:10 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Bannerman [mailto:jim@tejassmokers.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 8:26 PM
To: scott neal
Subject: RE: order from Tejas web site
Send me your check for $81.19 ($75.00 + 8 1/4% sales tax). I will send yo=
u the cover for the model 2436 steak/fajita grill by return mail. We pay =
the postage. Make the check out to: Tejas Smokers, Inc., 2414 Capitol, Ho=
uston, Texas 77003-3114.
Jim Bannerman
P.S. Check out the book: BORN TO GRILL .
At 05:10 PM 1/6/2002 -0600, you wrote:
Thanks for your help. I bought a grill from Jerald on Saturday. However,=
he did not have any vinyl covers in stock. Any ideas on where I might fin=
d one.
Scott Neal -----Original Message----- From: Jim Bannerman [mailto:jim@tej=
assmokers.com ] Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 11:15 PM To: sneal4@houst=
on.rr.com Subject: Re: order from Tejas web site
Thank you for your interest in Tejas Smokers. You have indicated an inter=
est in a model 2436 steak/fajita grill and vinyl cover. You show a Memori=
al area address. Might I suggest that you visit the Jerald Bettes Compan=
y on 6105 West 34th Street. His phone number is 713 682 7901. The store =
is located between the old Hempstead Highway and US 290 (actually closer t=
o the Hempstead Highway). Jerald is a knowledgeable pit master and has th=
is model in stock.
Sincerely yours,
Jim Bannerman Tejas Smokers, Inc. Jim@tejassmokers.com (713) 932-6438
At 05:10 AM 1/2/2002 +0000, you wrote: ************************************=
******************************************* S1628_qty: =
G2436F_qty: 1 S1628cc_qty:=
S2040_qty: =
S2040cc_qty: S2430_qty: =
SmokeSpice: SublimeSmoke=
: VegetarianGrill: =
SouthwesternGrill: TexasHomeCooking: =
ChampBBQSauces: BorderCookbo=
ok: BornToGrill: =
Q1401Stainlesssteelsaucebowlswivelarm: Q1402Stainlesssteeltemperat=
uregauge: Q1403DeRustoBBQblackhitempspraypaint: Q1500Castiro=
nfishfryer: Q1500MCastironfishfryerdeluxe: =
Q1501Brassdrainvalve: Q1502ALoglighterassembly: =
Q1502Loglighterassemblydeluxe: Q1516Steelas=
hpanforseries1628smokers: Q1520Steelashpanforseries2040smokers: =
Q1624Stainlesssteelshelfcoverforseries1628: Q2036Stainlesssteelshelfcov=
erforseries2040: c91628coverFor1628: c91628cccove=
rFor1628cc: c92040coverFor2040: =
c92040cccoverFor2040cc: c92430coverFor2430: =
c92436coverFor2436: 1 Q1505Repl=
acementstainlesssteelwirehandle: Q1506Replacementcleaningtoolashrake: =
Q1507: pickup_at_warehouse: =
yes ship_to_me: I_am=
: Individual Name: =
Scott Neal Addres1: =
13603 Pebblebrook Address2: City: =
Houston State: =
TX ZipCode: 77079 P=
honeNumber: 713 853 4723 Email: =
comments: Jim Bannerman Tejas Smokers, Inc. Jim@tejassmokers.com (713) 9=
32-6438 (713) 222-6096fax=20
Jim Bannerman
Tejas Smokers, Inc.
(713) 932-6438
(713) 222-6096fax