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The NYMEX announced an across the board reduction in natural gas margin rates today. The memo follows. Thank you. Notice No. 02-14 January 09, 2002 TO: ALL NYMEX MEMBERS AND MEMBER FIRMS ALL NYMEX CLEARING FIRMS ALL NYMEX OPERATIONS MANAGERS FROM: J. Robert Collins, Jr., President SUBJECT: MARGIN RATE CHANGES FOR HENRY HUB SWAP (NN) AND NATURAL GAS (NG) FUTURES. Effective Date: Thursday, January 10, 2002 (close of business) Futures Contracts: Natural Gas (NG), Henry Hub Swap (NN) Futures Contract Months: All Months Rate Change: NYMEX Division Outright Margins on Natural Gas and Henry Hub Swap Futures Contracts Clearing Member Non-Member Member Customer New Old New Old New Old Tier 1 (1st Nearby Month): $2,500 $3,500 $2,750 $3,850 $3,375 $4,725 Tier 2 (2nd Nearby Month): $2,500 $3,000 $2,750 $3,300 $3,375 $4,050 Tier 3 (3rd - 6th Nearby Months): $2,000 $2,500 $2,200 $2,750 $2,700 $3,375 Tier 4 (7th - 12th Nearby Months): $1,500 $2,000 $1,650 $2,200 $2,025 $2,700 Tier 5 (13th and greater): $1,500 $2,000 $1,650 $2,200 $2,025 $2,700 Current systems calculate the margin requirement for spread positions by first determining the "Scan Risk" and then multiplying the number of spreads by a rate set by the Exchange. Scan Risk is determined by netting the outright margin required for each leg of a spread. Spreading between differently margined contracts results in a higher spread margin than between equally margined contracts. Below is provided an example where the legs of a spread are margined differently. Scan Risk Example at Clearing Member Rates A spread consisting of one futures leg in Tier 1 and another in Tier 3 will have its requirement (at the clearing member rates) calculated at $1,000 starting on Thursday, January 10, 2002. One Long Tier 1 NG or NN (1 * $2,500) = $2,500 One Short Tier 3 NG or NN (1 * $2,000) = - $2,000 Net Scan Risk ($2,500-$2,000) = $ 500 Spread Rate (1* $500) = + $ 500 Total Requirement = $1,000 Scan Risk Example Summary Margin on a Spread Between a Tier 1 and Tier 3 Futures Contract Clearing Member (Maintenance Margin): $1,000 Member Customer (Initial Margin): $1,100 Non-Member Customer (Initial Margin): $1,350 Inter-Month Spread Margins on Natural Gas and Henry Hub Swap Futures Contracts Clearing Member Member Customer Non-Member Tier 1 (1st Nearby Month): $500 $550 $675 Tier 2 (2nd Nearby Month): $250 $275 $237 Tier 3 (3rd - 6th Nearby Months): $250 $275 $237 Tier 4 (7th - 12th Nearby Months): $250 $275 $237 Tier 5 (13th and greater): $100 $110 $135 The inter-commodity spread margins will be $0 between Natural Gas (NG) and Henry Hub Swap (NN) futures contracts. Spread credits between Henry Hub Swap futures and all other NYMEX energy products will be the same as the Natural Gas spread credits. Should you have any questions regarding these changes, please contact Arthur McCoy at (212) 299-2928 or Joe Sanguedolce at (212) 299-2855. This notice supersedes all previous notices regarding outright and spread margins for the NYMEX Natural Gas (NG) futures contract and the NYMEX Henry Hub Swap futures contract. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et toutes les pieces jointes (ci-apres le "message") sont etablis a l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires et sont confidentiels. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur, merci de le detruire et d'en avertir immediatement l'expediteur. Toute utilisation de ce message non conforme a sa destination, toute diffusion ou toute publication, totale ou partielle, est interdite, sauf autorisation expresse. L'internet ne permettant pas d'assurer l'integrite de ce message, BNP PARIBAS (et ses filiales) decline(nt) toute responsabilite au titre de ce message, dans l'hypothese ou il aurait ete modifie. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This message and any attachments (the "message") are intended solely for the addressees and are confidential. If you receive this message in error, please delete it and immediately notify the sender. Any use not in accord with its purpose, any dissemination or disclosure, either whole or partial, is prohibited except formal approval. The internet can not guarantee the integrity of this message. BNP PARIBAS (and its subsidiaries) shall (will) not therefore be liable for the message if modified. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________