Enron Mail

To:bubbatram1@aol.com, mpatronella@williamsbailey.com,mmiddleton@mailbox.sw.org, texas_gamma@hotmail.com
Subject:RE: Br. M Middleton'81
Cc:hhardy3953@aol.com, dkhutchins@att.net, nunley@heronet.ne.jp,crote@vaultnet.com, bshaw@bancleasing.com, jy@hawaiian-flowers.com, greg@infohwy.com, conder@calhounstacy.com, rbhardaway@phase2consulting.com, randy.martin@nationsbank.com, beitter@brandd
Bcc:hhardy3953@aol.com, dkhutchins@att.net, nunley@heronet.ne.jp,crote@vaultnet.com, bshaw@bancleasing.com, jy@hawaiian-flowers.com, greg@infohwy.com, conder@calhounstacy.com, rbhardaway@phase2consulting.com, randy.martin@nationsbank.com, beitter@brandd
Date:Fri, 19 Oct 2001 09:55:15 -0700 (PDT)

if i'm a short fuck, then i guess that makes you a short and a FAT fuck.
sorry for ignoring you at the game, do you forgive me? take me to lunch
sometime neighbor----713-230-2249........ i still love ya


< -----Original Message-----
< From: BubbaTram1@aol.com [SMTP:BubbaT
< ram1@aol.com]
< Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 9:27 AM
< To: mpatronella@williamsbailey.com; mmiddleton@mailbox.sw.org;
< texas_gamma@hotmail.com
< Cc: HHardy3953@aol.com; dkhutchins@att.net; nunley@heronet.ne.jp;
< crote@vaultnet.com; bshaw@bancleasing.com; JY@hawaiian-flowers.com;
< greg@infohwy.com; conder@calhounstacy.com;
< rbhardaway@phase2consulting.com; randy.martin@nationsbank.com;
< beitter@branddevelopment.com; sneal@enron.com; BQ175@aol.com;
< charleswilliams@chaswil.com; kdb@pdq.net; david.fisher@ourclub.com;
< MoverofMt@aol.com; Rs5785@aol.com; bwinters@primeprinting.com;
< cooperscloset@msn.com; PDT87@aol.com; neavx2@ix.netcom.com;
< sbailey@txlutheran.edu; medgar@jump.net; absocold@absocold.com;
< blackwog@musc.edu; roland.brand@sap.com; Cele3@aol.com
< Subject: Re: Br. M Middleton'81
< Hey Patro, thanks for coming over and talking to me at the Astros game the
< other day. Were you afraid I would see you with your girlfriend.
< Whatever....you're still a short fuck with no wrap.
< Middletones....Is that what you were playing all those years? I thought
< that you were making crude noises with your stomach. Are you still in
< Temple?
< Yeah this is Trammell.....living in Houston, have two little girls and
< Lisa's still married to me. I'm getting my ass kicked by them daily.
< Let's get these e-mails rolling....