Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Catchin' 2001 - The synopsis
Date:Mon, 21 May 2001 15:23:57 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Rob Rice/HOU/EES on 05/21/2001 05:23 PM ---------------------------

"Wallace, Clarence" <Clarence.Wallace@sea.siemens.com< on 05/21/2001 05:13:48 PM
To: "'rrice@enron.com'" <rrice@enron.com<
Subject: FW: Catchin' 2001 - The synopsis

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Wallace, Clarence
< Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 6:12 PM
< To: 'Robert V. Schneider'; 'James R. Smith'; 'Williamson, Martin (MA)';
< 'evjims'; Leheny, Tim; ''Darrel@custom-power.com''; ''rrice@enron.com'';
< Ramsay, Ian; 'Darrell@custom-power.com'; 'robert.schneider@kvaerner.com';
< 'mvthaden@pepco.com'; 'David Jenkins'
< Subject: FW: Catchin' 2001 - The synopsis
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Wallace, Clarence
< Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 6:11 PM
< To: Pipkin, Dick; Dunn, John; 'James@vfd.com'
< Subject: Catchin' 2001 - The synopsis
< What a great time!! Thanks for all the positive attitudes and fun thoughts
< by all!
< We caught lots of fish, we kept too many reds, we burned gallons of gas,
< and ate all the Etouffee! What else is needed?
< We thank all the returning fishermen, and welcome all the first timers !
< This year I think the fish got away with more of our baits than I
< remembered last year. We broke only one rod like last year. We caught
< bigger and more Redfish this year. We caught bigger trout but didn't keep
< as many as last year thank goodness. We had better food this year ( At
< least for one of the meals!). What else could we have done better? We
< welcome your input for next years adventure! Some people have suggested
< early June dates. Others suggest Cocodrie or Grand Isle. As with
< everything else we will go with the consensus of the group that respond.
< Thanks again for making Catchin' 2001 a great memory for a great group of
< people!!
< CW
< One more important part of our business, we need a little prayer and
< positive momentum for Mike. He was our sparkplug in keeping everything
< lite and cheerful and now he could use a little support from his fishing
< buddies. Please get a copy of this to those that are not copied on this
< email at your earliest convenience. Rather than spend time on the Islander
< talking about his challenge with everyone , Mike has written a little
< summary of the situation for all of his fshing buddies:
< "Dear Friends, c/o Clarence;
< I wanted to let each of you know how much I enjoyed being out in the Gulf
< & Fishing with you. Some of you are aware that I (Mike) have been
< diagnosed with Non - Small Cell Lung Cancer. I will have the Tumor removed
< Wednesday May 23rd and will be in the Hospital for about a week then home
< for about 6 weeks ( They say). We'll see How all that works out. I should
< be ready to fish and Hunt by August.
< I feel very fortunate that I have a wife that is understanding enough to
< not have a fit whilst I'm out with friends fishing the week prior to
< surgery. I also feel fortunate to have as many friends as I do & I
< consider all of you my friends. I hope that we continue the tradition of
< at least one big "CW Event" per year. I'll keep each of you posted as I
< can, or you can call the house and speak with Kathryn @ 281-499-9700.
< Your Friend,
< Just one more thing from CW;
< Rob, please get this to Scott and Randy so they can add their prayers and
< support , too!
< With your moral support and prayers we will get Mike through this
< challenge so we can enjoy many more years of going "Catchin' together.
< CW