Enron Mail

Subject:A Computer and Internet Connection for You and Your Family
Date:Thu, 5 Oct 2000 09:37:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Scott Neal/HOU/ECT on 10/05/2000 04:36 =
Office of the Chairman
From: Office of the Chairman@ENRON on 10/05/2000 07:55 AM
To: ClickatHome mailout
cc: =20
Subject: A Computer and Internet Connection for You and Your Family

As you know, technology is critical to Enron; it drives our success and wil=
continue to do so in the future. Technology has helped Enron create new=20
businesses like Enron Broadband Services and Enron Net Works, and it is=20
responsible for applications such as EnronOnline and EnronCredit.com. You=
seen what technology can do at work. Now we want you and your family to=20
realize its benefits at home.

With that in mind, we are excited to let you know that we are introducing t=
program, which will give each employee a computer for use at home. Where=20
technology permits, we will also subsidize an Internet connection. With the=
click of a mouse, a home computer plus Internet access will put a world of=
Internet knowledge at your family=01,s fingertips. =20

We have just signed an agreement with Dell Computer Corporation to provide=
the computer hardware. We wanted to let you know about the program now in=
case you and your family were considering the purchase or upgrade of a home=
computer or Internet connection in the next few months. The scope of=20
ClickAtHome includes the following:

? Basic package: Dell desktop computer with a high-speed processor, floppy=
disk drive, mouse, speakers, monitor, modem, CD-ROM drive and Windows 2000=
software. Employees will have the option to receive a subsidized Internet=
connection, including broadband, where commercially available.
? Participation: This program will be available to active regular full-time=
and regular part-time employees of Enron and its wholly owned subsidiaries;=
however, employees of some Enron companies (Portland General Electric, EOTT=
Enron Facility Services) may not be able to participate due to legal,=20
accounting, tax, labor or business reasons. Eligibility includes being=20
employed at the time of implementation. =20
? Timing: U.S. employee sign-up will begin in early 2001, with delivery of=
the equipment and Internet connection to follow shortly thereafter. Delive=
of equipment to participating non-U.S. employees is targeted for late 2001.

Details about this program are still being finalized. To address some of=
your initial questions, we=01,ve posted a question-and-answer document on=
http://clickathome.enron.com. We will schedule an eSpeak session in the ne=
future where you will have an opportunity to ask questions. Or, you can=20
submit your questions and comments to ClickAtHome@enron.com.=20

We are excited to extend our investment in technology to you and your=20
family. We believe this program takes communication at Enron to a new leve=
by creating endless possibilities for you to experience and participate in=
the broadband Internet revolution. It is just another reason why we believe=
Enron is a great place to work.