Enron Mail

Subject:New England Gas Study - Scope of Work
Date:Mon, 21 Aug 2000 05:08:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Scott Neal/HOU/ECT on 08/21/2000 12:08 PM

Enron North America Corp.

From: Kevin M Presto 08/21/2000 09:45 AM

To: Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: New England Gas Study - Scope of Work

NE-ISO is performing a very detailed gas study for the NE market (for
electric supply reliability purposes). As a NEPOOL member, we will get a
copy of this study which will have great supply and demand information for
the NE market area.

I will get you a copy when the study is completed.
---------------------- Forwarded by Kevin M Presto/HOU/ECT on 08/21/2000
09:32 AM ---------------------------

Daniel Allegretti@EES
08/21/2000 09:27 AM
To: NEPOOL Power Trading Group
Subject: New England Gas Study - Scope of Work

FYI, ISO-NE will be conducting a gas study.

---------------------- Forwarded by Daniel Allegretti/HOU/EES on 08/21/2000
10:26 AM ---------------------------

"Conway, Nancy" <nconway@iso-ne.com< on 08/18/2000 12:32:03 PM

To: NEPOOL Reliability Committee <relcomm@iso-ne.com<

Subject: New England Gas Study - Scope of Work

TO: NEPOOL Reliability Committee Members and Alternates

Please note below (from Richard Burke):

Based on the request of the NEPOOL Reliability Committee at the August 15-16
meeting, the Scope of Work for the ISO's project entitled, "The New England
Gas Study" is forwarded for your information. If the Members & Alternates
of the NEPOOL Reliability Committee have any questions or comments
regarding the ISO's "New England Gas Study Project," please feel free to
contact either:

Mr. Peter Wong - 413-535-4172 or pwong@iso-ne.com
Mr. Mark Babula - 413-535-4324 or mbabula@iso-ne.com

<<Gas Study SOW for NEPOOL RC.doc<<
Thank you.
Rich Burke
Admin. Assist.
Markets Development
ISO New England Inc.
e-mail: nconway@iso-ne.com
phone: 413/535-4332
fax: 413/540-4226

- Gas Study SOW for NEPOOL RC.doc