Enron Mail

Subject:Pre-Season Games!!
Date:Mon, 26 Feb 2001 07:37:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Scott Neal/HOU/ECT on 02/26/2001 03:36 PM

"Libbi Lake" <llake@argolink.net< on 02/25/2001 10:19:46 PM
To: "William Crump" <prcrump@msn.com<, "Will McCallum" <km@kjmccallum.com<,
"Steve Evans" <evanssk@aol.com<, "Michael Swearingin"
<Elizabeth.O.Swearingin@WellsFargo.com<, "Jim West" <jwest@houston.rr.com<,
"Jane Evans" <JBEVANS123@aol.com<, "Eric Hurst" <beth.hurst@abnamro.com<,
"Connor Dougherty" <doughertymd@aol.com<, "Connor Dougherty"
<dbd@whplaw.com<, "Colton Robey" <probey1@aol.com<, "Colton Robey"
<probey@energyUSA.com<, "Anderson Mohle" <tandmolehill@ev1.net<, "Brett Neal"
<Scott.neal@enron.com<, "Brett Neal" <sneal12@mindspring.com<
Subject: Pre-Season Games!!

Rockhounds & parents,
Hey everyone, I've finally got the pre-season game schedule.? I've attached
the latest overall schedule (rev 2,?and in a earlier version of Excell so
hopefully it can be easily opened).? Please let me know if this is a format
problem for anyone, I can fax it and/or mail it if you'll let me know.
Basically the changes are that our games next week are Tuesday (6:00 pm
gametime?at Memorial Middle School field #3) and Thursday (8:00 pm gametime
at Spring Forest Field #2, our regular practice field)? Also, I've upped the
practice start time next Saturday to 8:30 am going?till 10:30 (since our
game?Tuesday the 6th will?wipe out our practice)?and corrected the error on
the time for the March 10th practice (thanks Trisha).? If these games are
rained out they will not be made up.
By the way, I've got a practice scheduled for the March 10th but I'm sure
some will be out since that's the first part of SBISD spring break.? Please
let me know how many will be able to attend.
I don't think this really applies to anyone on our team, by just fyi:? the
league has requested that parents not drop their kids off in front of the
fields (by driving down the dirt trail).? There is too much kid traffic and
they're worried about accidents.? Just keep to the parking lot.
See everyone this Tuesday at 7:30.
- RHounds_sched_rev2.xls