Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Tennessee Purchase of Physical Gas
Cc:dan.junek@enron.com, sandra.brawner@enron.com, victoria.versen@enron.com
Bcc:dan.junek@enron.com, sandra.brawner@enron.com, victoria.versen@enron.com
Date:Mon, 5 Feb 2001 06:17:00 -0800 (PST)

Thank you for the info. I call if I have questions after I review further.

Enron North America Corp.

From: Rebecca W Cantrell 02/01/2001 05:53 PM

To: Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Tennessee Purchase of Physical Gas

Scott, this is all I could find about Tennessee's right to buy system gas.
There was nothing specific to fuel, and of course nothing at all about
financial transactions. I don't read it to prohibit them from buying on a
forward basis, but they would probably be at risk if prices moved against
them too much.

Basically, Tennessee can buy or sell gas as required to balance and to
maintain system integrity. And they can buy or sell it either (1) on a first
come/first served basis at posted prices, (2) through an auction or gas
trading system, or (3) through direct negotiations. They no longer have a
fuel tracker. Since they are supposed to be retaining fuel from their
transportation customers, they shouldn't be buying fuel, per se.

The Order 497 regulations deal only with information about transportation, so
Tennessee would not be required, absent a tariff provision, to post or report
its purchases from affiliates at the time it does them. They do, however,
have to file a report of their cashout transactions, including any purchases
they make for balancing. If one suspected they had overpaid their affiliate
for such gas purchases and it could be substantiated in the filing, the issue
could be raised in the cashout report proceeding at FERC. Purchases made for
system integrity purposes, if not tied to cashout, would have to be addressed
in the next rate case.

Fifth Revised Sheet No. 209A
Schedule LMS - MA
Load Management Service - Market Area (continued)

(ii) Operational Transactions: Operational Transactions
are those
Operational Purchases and Operational Sales which
Transporter may from
time to time, in its discretion, enter into with
third parties to
balance Transporter's system and to maintain
operational integrity.
Pursuant to this Section 7(g)(ii), Transporter may
purchase gas
quantities for receipt into its system and may sell
gas quantities for
delivery out of its system. These Operational
Transactions may be
conducted on a first-come/first-served basis at
posted prices, or
pursuant to an open auction or electronic gas trading
system, or
negotiated directly with third parties.

The Operational Transactions utilized to reconcile
Net Cashout
Activity pursuant to Section 7(g)(i) Item No. 2 of
this Rate Schedule
must occur during the Annual Cashout Period;
provided, however, that
if the quantity of Operational Purchases or
Operational Sales, as
applicable, is insufficient to offset the quantity of
Net Cashout
Activity, then an additional month of Operational
Transactions, ending
on September 30, thirteen months after the start of
the Annual Cashout
Period, shall be included in the Cashout Report in
order to reconcile
Net Cashout Activity. Gas quantities from an
Operational Transaction
which are used to offset Net Cashout Activity in one
Cashout Report
cannot be used to offset cashout activity in a
subsequent Cashout

(iii) Annual Cashout Report: Transporter shall include in
the Cashout
Reports filed pursuant to this Section 7(g) monthly
detail for Item
Nos. 1, 4 and 5 as described in Section 7 (g)(i).
Such detail shall
include a listing of monthly imbalances in dekatherms
and dollars by
cashout shipper in support of the cashout activity in
the report.
Transporter will include a list in the Cashout Report
of all
Operational Purchases and Operational Sales
transactions by month
during the applicable Annual Cashout Period, plus the
additional month
provided pursuant to Section 7(g)(ii), if applicable,
and will show
the derivation of the weighted average price of the
Transactions utilized to reconcile Net Cashout
Activity for the Annual
Cashout Period as described in Item No. 2 in Section
7(g)(i). In
addition, Transporter shall include in the Cashout
Report detailed
support for any required Balancing Entry, Balancing
Entry Pricing and
Balancing Entry Pricing Adjustment pursuant to Item
No. 3 of Section
7(g)(i) of this Rate Schedule.