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Subject:Yahoo! Finance Story - Yahoo - RESEARCH ALERT-Goldman raises most
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Tuesday April 3, 12:03 pm Eastern Time

RESEARCH ALERT-Goldman raises most energy estimates

NEW YORK, April 3 (Reuters) - Goldman Sachs on Tuesday increased its 2001 and
2002 oil company earnings estimates almost across the board, with the
exception of some of the mega-oils where expectations were slightly lowered.

Goldman Sachs Integrated Oil analyst Arjun Murti raised 2001 EPS estimate for
BP Amoco American Depository Receipts (ADR) quote from Yahoo! UK & Ireland:
BP.L)(NYSE:BP - news) to $3.69 from $3.59 and 2002 EPS estimate to $2.86 from

For Exxon Mobil Corp. (NYSE:XOM - news), Murti lowered 2002 EPS estimate to
$3.89 from $3.90.

Murti lowered 2001 EPS estimate for Royal Dutch (U.S.) (NYSE:RD - news) to
$3.32 from $3.48 and raised 2002 EPS estimate to $2.75 from $2.74. He raised
his 2001 EPS estimate for Shell T&T (NYSE:SC - news) quote from Yahoo! UK &
Ireland: SHEL.L) to $2.85 from $3.00 and raised 2002 EPS estimate to $2.37
from $2.36.

For Chevron Corp. (NYSE:CHV - news) he raised his 2001 EPS estimate to $7.36
from $7.21, and raised his 2002 EPS estimate to $5.52 from $5.34, but lowered
his 2001 estimate for Texaco Inc. (NYSE:TX - news) to $4.73 from $4.84.
However, for 2002, he raised his EPS estimate for Texaco to $3.37 from $3.23.

He raised 2001 EPS estimate for Unocal Corp. (NYSE:UCL - news) to $3.03 from
$2.42 and 2002 EPS estimate to $2.00 from $1.84.

For USX-Marathon (NYSE:MRO - news) Murti raised 2001 EPS estimate to $3.72
from $3.26 and 2002 EPS estimate to $1.67 from $1.48. Murti raised 2001 EPS
estimate for Kerr-McGee Corp. (NYSE:KMG - news) to $6.60 from $5.71.

Murti raised 2001 EPS estimate for Murphy Oil Corp. (NYSE:MUR - news) to
$6.32 from $5.77 and for Anadarko Petroleum Corp. (NYSE:APC - news) to $4.78
from $4.58.

Murti raised 2001 EPS estimate for Conoco, Inc. (NYSE:COCb - news) to $2.94
from $2.70 and 2002 EPS estimate to $2.01 from $1.88. Murti raised 2001 EPS
estimate for Amerada Hess Corp. (NYSE:AHC - news) to $10.79 from $10.25 and
2002 EPS estimate to $4.64 from $4.02.

For Occidental Petroleum Corp. (NYSE:OXY - news), Murti raised 2001 estimate
to $3.10 from $2.54 and 2002 EPS estimate to $1.63 from $1.48. Murti raised
2001 EPS estimate for Phillips Petroleum Company (NYSE:P - news) to $6.98
from $6.76 and 2002 EPS estimate to $4.21 from $4.05.

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More Quotes
and News:
BP Amoco PLC (NYSE:BP - news)
Chevron Corp (NYSE:CHV - news)
Exxon Mobil Corp (NYSE:XOM - news)
Royal Dutch Petroleum Co (NYSE:RD - news)
Shell Transport & Trading Co PLC (NYSE:SC - news)
Texaco Inc (NYSE:TX - news)

Related News Categories: oil/energy, US Market News


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