Enron Mail

Subject:Brazos Valley Project, L.P.; Comments on the Draft Interconnect
Date:Tue, 8 May 2001 01:49:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Eric Gillaspie
X-To: Gerald Nemec
X-Folder: \Gerald_Nemec_Dec2000_June2001_2\Notes Folders\All documents
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Eric Gillaspie
Enron Building 3886
----- Forwarded by Eric Gillaspie/HOU/ECT on 05/08/2001 08:48 AM -----

Greg Brazaitis
05/07/2001 04:32 PM

To: Eric Gillaspie/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Brazos Valley Project, L.P.; Comments on the Draft Interconnect

I received the following request for changes from Avista Steag through Pace
Global for the Brazos Valley Project Interconnection Agreement. Please
review and comment:

Item 2. Engineering, Design and Construction:
In the fourth line, after the words " ...sound and prudent natural gas....",
add the phrase "and with sound and prudent natural gas pipeline" industry
practice' .

Item 5ii. Quality Specification and Measurement:
In the second line, after the words "...to the Standards.", add the phrase
"and with sound and prudent natural gas pipeline industry practice".

Item 9. Term.
Delete the paragraph on term and add the following: "This Agreement shall be
effective as of thes date herein writtten above and shall remain in full
force and effect for a primary term of twenty years ("Primary Term"), and
shall continue in full force and effect thereafter so long as there is an
agreement in effect that provides for the delivery or receipt of gas by or
for HPL or its affiliate(s) or designee(s) at or through the Delivery Point
("Transportation Agreement"); provided, that after the Primary Term of this
Agreement, upon the expiration or termination of any such Transportation
Agreement, either Party may terminate this Agreement upon 60 days prior
written notice to the other Party.