Enron Mail

Subject:MidCon Interconnect
Date:Fri, 3 Dec 1999 08:51:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT on 12/03/99 04:51 PM

Johnnie Williams
12/03/99 12:02 PM
To: Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: MidCon Interconnect


Following is one of the memos detailing some of the concerns about pressure
differentials between HPL & MidCon.

---------------------- Forwarded by Johnnie Williams/HOU/ECT on 12/03/99
12:00 PM ---------------------------

Will Chen
11/19/99 08:47 AM
To: Johnnie Williams/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: MidCon Texas Flagstaff Road Interconnect

I have a attend the A/A mentoring program this morning and won't be back till
if you need me, page me, 800-608-9432.
I am forwarding you this email I got from Brad last night.

---------------------- Forwarded by Will Chen/HOU/ECT on 11/19/99 08:46 AM

Enron North America Corp.

From: Brad Blevins 11/18/99 06:15 PM

To: James McKay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim Schwieger/HOU/ECT@ECT, Will Chen/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Tom Fry/GCO/Enron@Enron, Garry D Wilson/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: MidCon Texas Flagstaff Road Interconnect

I have run a flow study on the east side of HPL's Houston Loop to determine
whether HPL can deliver 100 MMCFD to MidCon during winter peak hour
conditions. The interconnect pressure will be around 600 psig, which will
allow HPL to deliver 100 MMCFD to MidCon with an 8" AAT-90 turbine meter.
This is the full capacity of this particular 8" turbine meter. The following
assumptions were made in the preparation of this flow study:

1) The available gas pressure at Bammel is 900 psig.
2) The Hardy Toll road mainline regulator is fully open, not taking any
pressure cut.
3) Entex being delivered gas at a peak hour rate, which is defined as HPL's
historical peak Entex day plus 30%.
4) The deliveries being made to both the Destec and Lyondell Channelview
plants total no more than 60 MMCFD.

If capacity gets tight at Flagstaff, Gas Control can shut in the regulator
from the Enerfin system to the 12" (3018) line to boost pressures. Gas
Control could also raise the pressure at Bammel to more closely track the
MAOP of 936 psig on the east side of the Bammel loop.

Please note that if Bammel pressures are lower than 900 psig due to low
inventory at Bammel, and Entex is on a peak hour delivery rate, then HPL will
have difficulty making a 100 MMCFD delivery to MidCon Texas at Flagstaff.
Increasing the turbine meter size to a 12" AAT-140 would solve this problem,
but this would result in a greatly oversized measurement facility during
normal operating periods. A better solution would be to shut in the Enerfin
and Maxey Road regulators to boost pressures on the east side and to attempt
to limit Lyondell and Destec deliveries.