Enron Mail

To:nabil@enron.com, nnachawa@central.uh.edu
Subject:RE: Starting Date
Date:Wed, 18 Apr 2001 06:09:00 -0700 (PDT)

Majed, That sounds great. We look forward to having you here beginning on
May 21. Let me know if you have any questions prior to that date.

"Nachawati, Nabil, M" <nnachawa@Central.UH.EDU<
04/17/2001 06:01 PM

To: "'Gerald.Nemec@enron.com '" <Gerald.Nemec@enron.com<
Subject: RE: Starting Date


I hope everything is going well with respect to your work load! I know that
you are probably very busy with conference calls. Anyway, I look forward to
working in your department this summer. I have already taken my drug test,
and have given Molly Magee my start dates (tentatively with your approval).
I have my start date scheduled to commence on May 21, 2001 and end on June
29, 2001. I hope these dates coincide with your schedule. Please e-mail me
and let me know.

Looking Forward to this summer,

Majed Nachawati

-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald.Nemec@enron.com
To: nnachawa@Central.UH.EDU
Sent: 4/17/2001 5:09 PM
Subject: Starting Date

Nabil, Can you please provide the dates that you are planning on
for the 1st half of the summer. I called your residence earlier today,
your machine did not pick up. It is probably easier to communicate
email since we both keep missing each other. Thanks.