Enron Mail |
Below is a list of the people that will be moving on the evening of=20
Wednesday, April 4. =20 If you need boxes contact 36300. Please have every thing packed and ready = to=20 move by 5:00 pm. The move team will furnish an envelope containing labels= =20 for your use.=20 NAME=09FROM=09TO Blaine, Michelle**=093AC1934=093820 Brownfeld, Gail**=093AC1926=093819 George, Carolyn=093821=093836A Goode, Diane=093876C=093833 Guinn, Linda =093844=093829A Haas, Merrill=093876B=093830 Hearn, Ed* (Mickey Mouse)=093880D=093844 Heinitz, Mary=093820=093836 Keesler, Martha=093814=093829 Korkmas, Deborah=093819=093834A Lauterbach, Elizabeth=093818=093851B Maxwell, Matthew=093875A=093830A Meraz, Claudia* (Winners)=093851B=093821A Nemec, Gerald=093883=093874A Simmons, Linda* (Shadow)=093821A=093833A Truss, Stephanie**=093AC1936=093821 Young, Kay=093880B=093834 LAN Printer* =01) JAWS=093848=093829B LAN Printer*=01) TULIP=093858F=093829B * Network printer ** New phone installation. Telephone numbers will be furnisthed upon=20 completion of move. =20 Please feel free to contact me at X57373 if you have any questions pertaini= ng=20 to the scheduled move. Best regards, Taffy Milligan