Enron Mail

To:heather.kroll@enron.com, dwight.beach@enron.com, ozzie.pagan@enron.com,glenn.wright@enron.com, margaret.mcclenny@enron.com
Subject:ALAMAC Status Update on a Variety of Items
Cc:janet.dietrich@enron.com, reagan.rorschach@enron.com, julia.murray@enron.com,barbara.gray@enron.com, gerald.nemec@enron.com
Bcc:janet.dietrich@enron.com, reagan.rorschach@enron.com, julia.murray@enron.com,barbara.gray@enron.com, gerald.nemec@enron.com
Date:Fri, 5 Jan 2001 06:06:00 -0800 (PST)

Attached are more permit matrix suggestions (real estate) made available to
Reagan Rorschach on Permitting matters. Bill Lane of Kilpatrick Stockton
called earlier with Environmental permit input and I passed that input on the
Reagan. I have a good comfort level about the accuracy and depth of the
Permitting/Regulatory Due Diligence effort at this point.

Outstanding Regulatory Items on my "To Do" List are to (i) finalize the EWG
Application and get it filed with the FERC; (ii) inquire about the need for
and mechanics of getting a Power Marketer Certificate for North Carolina
Power Holdings, LLC or for the two LLCs that is acquiring and (iii) receive
feedback from Bracewell and Patterson on Regean's Permit Matrix.

I will be forwarding my comments on the DASH to Dwight by 4:00 p.m. this
afternoon. I have scheduled a meeting with Mark Haedicke for 10:00 a.m. on
Tuesday, January 9 to review my Risk Memo and the DASH prior to Dave
Delainey's return to Houston.

More Updates later,


----- Forwarded by Steve Van Hooser/HOU/ECT on 01/05/2001 01:40 PM -----

"Duncan, Allyson" <ADuncan@KilpatrickStockton.com<
01/05/2001 10:43 AM

To: "'Steve.Van.Hooser@enron.com'" <Steve.Van.Hooser@enron.com<,
"'Reagan.Rorschach@enron.com'" <Reagan.Rorschach@enron.com<
Subject: FW: Permits for Cogentrix Plants; #247747

Comments from the real estate attorney. Please let me know if you want
clarification of follow up. None of the things he mentions are of the
shut-down magnitude type, even if you do ultimately need them.

-----Original Message-----
From: Benson, Jeff
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 11:21 AM
To: Duncan, Allyson
Subject: RE: Permits for Cogentrix Plants; #247747

Allyson -

Assuming that we're just taking over an existing permitted facility, I do
not think that there are additional necessary real estate permits. There are
a few thoughts that may or may not be applicable, depending on what is
planned at the facility.

- If there is an elevator at the facility, they are permitted by the
Department of Labor. The client will need to notify the Department of name
change and will then the elevator(s) will be inspected in the normal course
and licensed under our client's name.

- It is my understanding that there will not be construction activities - if
this is incorrect, our client will need (a)land disturbance (also called
grading) permit, (b) building permit. Upon completion, any new construction
would receive certificate of occupancy.

- I don't think they are planning subdivision but any subdivision
contemplated for the property would require applicable city/county
approvals. The nature of those approvals would depend on the circumstances.

Jeffrey A. Benson
Kilpatrick Stockton LLP
3737 Glenwood Ave., Suite 400
Raleigh, NC 27612
Ph: 919-420-1773
Fx: 919-420-1800

-----Original Message-----
From: Duncan, Allyson
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 9:43 AM
To: Lane, Bill; Benson, Jeff
Subject: FW: Permits for Cogentrix Plants; #247747

Could you please take a look at the attached matrix and see if you can think
of any other licenses and permits that could arisse that would shut down
this facililty? As usual with things involving Enron, they want it right
away. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve.Van.Hooser@enron.com [mailto:Steve.Van.Hooser@enron.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 4:52 PM
To: aduncan@kilstock.com; blane@kilstock.com; cthompson@bracepatt.com
Cc: Reagan.Rorschach@enron.com; Dwight.Beach@enron.com
Subject: Permits for Cogentrix Plants

Allyson, Bill and Clark:

Following up on my e:mail to Allyson of yesterday, I am forwarding a more
complete permit listing prepared by Reagan Rorchach of Enron's Power
Development Group. I would appreciate your reviewing the attached with an
eye toward any customary permits that appear to missing.

Please give me a call as soon as possible.

I plan to meet with Reagan tomorrow morning on this work product.



----- Forwarded by Steve Van Hooser/HOU/ECT on 01/04/2001 03:12 PM -----


Rorschach@ENR To: Steve Van
Hooser/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dwight Beach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Glenn
ON Wright/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Heather
Kroll/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ozzie
Pagan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Fred
Mitro/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dave Kellermeyer/HOU/ECT@ECT
01/04/2001 cc:

03:01 PM Subject: Permit Issues

Attached is the most recent permit matrix (see the second tab of the
spreadsheet). I still have some outstanding issues as some phone calls
have not been returned. I expect those to be resolved tommorrow. If you
can think of anything else, please let me know, and I'll take care of it.

Issues requiring action are bolded in red in the spreadsheet. Brief

I cannot find record of a stormwater permit for the coal handling
facility. I think they need one, Dave K.??
I need to know how tall the stacks are at each plant. If they are under
200 feet, they may not be regulated. However, we should examine the FAA
notifying criteria (height and location) to evaluate compliance.
Are there any antennae or transmitters on the stacks? FCC permits will
be involved (or need to be) if they do.
Is the coal handling facility in the Lumberton city limits? I am
getting conflicting reports on this from the locals.

Lastly, I have not asked for written confirmation for any of the
information gathered so far. If we need it; however, I can get it.

Please review and comment.


Reagan Rorschach

(See attached file: Alamac Permit Matrix.xls)