Enron Mail |
This is a reminder to join Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling at an All-Employee
Meeting at 10 a.m. (Houston time) this Wednesday, Feb. 21. The meeting will be held in Houston's Hyatt Regency Imperial Ballroom. Ken and Jeff will review Enron's year-end financial and operating results and discuss the outlook for this year and beyond. The meeting will be streamed live on IP-TV to employees in Houston, Omaha, Portland (ENA), New York, Calgary, London, Stockholm, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Madrid, Toronto, Dublin, Ohio, and San Ramon and Costa Mesa in Calif. In addition, we will broadcast the meeting via video teleconference to employees in Portland (EBS), Chicago, Tehachapi, Calif., Bogota, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, San Juan, Warsaw, Chester, U.K., and Teesside (NEPCO). To view the meeting on the IP-TV web site: Direct your Internet browser to http://iptv.enron.com (Note: You will not be able to view the meeting on this site until 9:45 a.m. Houston time on Feb. 21). Click the link for "Special Events." Click the link for the All-Employee Meeting. If you would like to ask a question via IP-TV during the meeting, you may do so by clicking the hand icon at the bottom of the video frame. Enter your question in the box that appears and click to send it. Ken and Jeff will receive these questions during the meeting and address as many as time permits during the Q&A session. Employees based in Europe, Japan and Australia: You will receive an e-mail with more details on how to access the meeting and/or receive a videotape of the meeting if you are located in a remote office with limited access to IP-TV. All other employees: If you don't have access to IP-TV or, if you do, are unable to attend or view the meeting, you can order a video by contacting Courtney Votaw by e-mail or phone (713-853-9390).