Enron Mail

Subject:Children's Clothing and Diaper Drive
Date:Mon, 23 Apr 2001 05:29:00 -0700 (PDT)

HBA Children's Clothing & Diaper Drive Needs Your Help!

The HBA's Spring Children's Clothing and Diaper Drive is now
under way, but donations for this year's drive are down considerably from
previous years. This is the time of the year that Houston's shelters most
need to replenish their clothing and diaper stores -- halfway through the
year, after the donations from the many drives conducted during the holiday
season have been depleted.

If you or your firm have not yet contributed to the HBA
Spring Children's Clothing & Diaper Drive, please drop off your items at the
HBA Office this week so that we can get them sorted and out to the shelters.
We need contributions of gently-used clothing for infants, children and
teens, as well as disposable diapers of any size. Cash donations to purchase
diapers are also welcome!

To donate to the HBA Spring Children's Clothing & Diaper
Drive, please call Steve Ganter at 713-759-1133.