Enron Mail |
I received a call late yesterday from Mr. Bill Garner at Petrie Parkman &
Company concerning the Wildhorse divestiture by Tom Brown. Since we already have a confidentiality agreement with Tom Brown, a package will be sent to us today overnight (assuming printing goes as planned.) The data room will be opened up either late next week (10th - 12th) or early the following week (15th) at K-N's office in Denver. Bill indicated that the Wildhorse assets are being split up into various pieces: 3 major groupings (West, East, and Rulison) a) Of the West piece, there will be 2 major subgroups (Northern, Southwest) b) Of the Southwest piece (which we looked at), the assets are being presented as 6 subgroups (Westwater, Bar-X, Premier Bar-X, Pine Springs, San Arroyo, South Canyon). Bill could not tell me where the Badger Wash Field gathering piece falls under during the phone call. Bill indicated that you can bid on any individual piece or all pieces or any combination thereof. I indicated interest in seeing the information for the entire Western part of the system. Ken Krisa