Enron Mail |
I've been needing to set up Crescendo/ENA into Wildhorse's system, so that
ENA can nom the gas starting October 1st. Part of what I need to do is set up an agency agreement with contact names stating that ENA will be making the noms on behalf of Crescendo under transport contract xx, and yy. The transport contracts I have are to Questar [current Enogex transport contracts]. I called Becky Shulz [Wildhorse] to talk again about what all I need to do, and ["playing dumb"] was asking her what the NWPL contract # was that I needed to set up in my paperwork. She said she would have to look at the map to see exactly where our wells were...to find which interconnect was best, but before she did that, she needed to discuss this with Kent, but more so to make sure that he has all the paperwork he needs, re NG assigning this contract to us. Kent will be out of the office until Friday. Noms are due in about 1.5 weeks. joan