Enron Mail

To:gerald.nemec@enron.com, pat.radford@enron.com
Subject:Data Responses
Date:Tue, 23 May 2000 08:57:00 -0700 (PDT)


Please schedule both the June 14 and July 18 on my calendar.

----- Forwarded by Steve Van Hooser/HOU/ECT on 05/23/2000 03:55 PM -----

"Doug John and Kim Clark (Kim Clark)" <kclark@jhenergy.com<
05/23/2000 02:19 PM

To: jsarikas@foster-FA.com, pgibbs@foster-FA.com
cc: Dorothy_Mersereau@br-inc.ca, lmarlatt@br-inc.com,
rebecca.w.cantrell@enron.com, steve.van.hooser@enron.com, jpaganis@hess.com,
GJPorter@midamerican.com, s.halfin@pecorp.com, egrenier@sablaw.com,
rmaywalt@sablaw.com, gknowles@schiffhardin.com
Subject: Data Responses

We have been served with the data responses of Northern Border to requests by
PAGUS, NGPL, Staff, and others. Some of this information would be useful to
John in preparing for his testimony at the hearing, and also for the purpose
of crafting the cross examination of opposing witnesses. These data
responses are available in our office for you to peruse it at your leisure.

In terms of scheduling, the next important date is June 14, which is when
Northern Border submits rebuttal testimony, and when Staff, PAGUS, and NGPL
file rebuttal in response to John's answering testimony. Discovery on that
testimony is due June 23. Your help in formulating discovery will be needed.

The hearing is presently scheduled for July 18 (absent settlement).
Obviously we will need to get together to prepare cross of the opposing
witnesses and to prep John for his testimony.

In terms of progress on settlement, you should be aware that while there have
been some private settlement talks among certain parties, there is no
presently scheduled settlement conference. Nevertheless, we expect some or
all of the parties will be working to try to achieve some form of settlement
until the hearing starts. However, whether a full or partial settlement of
the rate case issues will occur before the hearing is too speculative to
predict at this time.