Enron Mail

To:michael.brown@enron.com, david.guillaume@enron.com, jeffery.ader@enron.com
Subject:Elaborated LIPA Term Sheet
Cc:gerald.nemec@enron.com, legaltemp1@enron.com, legaltemp4@enron.com
Bcc:gerald.nemec@enron.com, legaltemp1@enron.com, legaltemp4@enron.com
Date:Wed, 27 Dec 2000 10:52:00 -0800 (PST)

Per my telephone conversation with Michael Brown early this afternoon,
attached is a new Term Sheet to which I understand David will be attaching an
Exhibit A that outlines notional Activity Costs. If you want to provide a
sample Capacity Charge when delivering this document, I suggest adding a new
Section to the Proposed PPA section and attaching an Exhibit B.

As I mentioned in my voicemail to David, Gerald Nemec can help with whateve
changes you need to this draft. The temporary assistant who is sitting in
for Pat, Rachel Bryant (ext 3-9282) know how to reach me if that is necessary.

Good luck,
