Enron Mail

To:suggsa@epenergy.com, ruoffj@epenergy.com, dshoup@houston.rr.com,ssidjones@aol.com, jvanhooser@foundrychurch.org, upiojs@infohwy.com, kelley.bitner@chase.com, ted.bland@enron.com, boyle@ridgefield.sdr.slb.com, ajenright@aol.com, helms@gnubi.com, henr
Subject:FW: Bush Tax Cut
Cc:wwilcox@pdq.net, svanhooser@houston.rr.com
Bcc:wwilcox@pdq.net, svanhooser@houston.rr.com
Date:Thu, 22 Feb 2001 10:05:00 -0800 (PST)

I usually don't forward e:mail messages en masse. I made an exception in
this case because I found the issue compelling. I also found completing and
submitting my responses to the attached survey to be quick and straight

I hope you will take a few moments to consider the attached tax survey and
respond according to your convictions.


Steve Van Hooser
----- Forwarded by Steve Van Hooser/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2001 05:38 PM -----

"Wayne Wilcox" <wwilcox@pdq.net<
02/22/2001 06:29 PM
Please respond to wwilcox

To: "Wayne Wilcox" <frosty6557@aol.com<, "Bryan Slaven"
<bslaven@carrollprint.com<, "Dan Hazen" <Hazen.Dan@EPEnergy.com<, "Dave
Michalek" <davem@reefindustries.com<, "Dave Nattras" <nattras@pdq.net<,
"David Gurghigian" <gurghigian@clamericas.com<, "David Othold"
<twotrak@ev1.net<, "Forrest Wilcox" <mimi611930@aol.com<, "Jeff Moore"
<jmoore@moorefrey.com<, "Jeff Ottmann" <jdottmann@aol.com<, "Jim Giese"
<jgiese8888@aol.com<, "Joe Schwartzott" <Schwartzottj@email.msn.com<, "Mark
Taylor" <mtaylor@triten.com<, "Mark Winegar" <mwinegar@houwire.com<, "Roger
O'Farrell" <rofarrell1@hotmail.com<, "Robert Henderson" <hende46@ibm.net<,
"Tony Kelly" <tonkelly@cisco.com<, "Al Diener" <adiener100@aol.com<, "Gary
Stefaniak" <gstefaniak@houston.geoquest.slb.com<, "Jerry Jungels"
<jerry.jungels.bzgz@statefarm.com<, "John Davidson" <contijohnd@aol.com<,
"Lee Mc Fadden" <lmcfadden@houston.rr.com<, "Mark Neagli" <mneagli@aol.com<,
"Randy Osburn" <RandyO@calltsc.com<, "Randy Thompson" <rtsun@compuserve.com<,
"Steve Van Hooser" <steve.van.hooser@enron.com<
Subject: FW: Bush Tax Cut

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Eberle [mailto:info@MillionsofAmericans.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 3:35 PM
To: wwilcox@pdq.net
Subject: Bush Tax Cut

** 2nd Alert from MillionsofAmericans.com**

President George W. Bush needs your help to build more
support for his tax cut proposal.

In the last week or so two Republican Senators (Lincoln
Chafee of Rhode Island and James Jeffords of Vermont) have
withdrawn support for the Bush plan.

Two more GOP moderates (Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and
Olympia Snowe of Maine) are threatening to oppose the bill
if major details of the tax cut are not changed.

Remember, the U.S. Senate is split 50-50. That means every
Republican vote we lose and every Democrat vote we gain is
absolutely critical.

Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) has been
called upon to help make sure the President's plan gets
through Congress.

One way they're going to help President Bush is by
convincing Senators who are on the fence that a majority of
American taxpayers -- like you and me -- want them to stand
firm on the key points.

To accomplish this goal, ATR put together a quick taxpayer
survey on their web site. The results of this survey will
be presented to every U.S. Senator and House Speaker Dennis

Here is a link: http://www.atr.org/A426.htm

Here is a list of their questions:

#1 Do you support tax cuts for all Americans?

The Democrats in Congress want targeted tax cuts for people
who meet certain income and behavioral categories.
President George W. Bush has proposed cutting everybody's

#2 Should we kill the Estate Tax (also called Death Tax)?

You pay taxes all of your life. Should your loved ones be
forced to sell off your family business, family farm or
heirlooms to pay up to 55% in taxes when you pass away?

#3 Should we abolish the marriage penalty?

Right now, our government is punishing couples for
getting married by bumping them into higher combined tax

#4 Do you favor making the tax cuts retroactive to Jan 1st

President Bush's proposed tax plan provides relief to our
families and stimulates our economy right now by making tax
cuts retroactive to the beginning of this year. That way
you'd see your tax cut in this year's paychecks.

Each of these questions are up for debate over the next few
weeks and months while Congress decides the exact size and
scope of the tax cut.

I strongly encourage all taxpayers to stand up and be
counted by visiting the ATR web site and answering these

In addition to providing the survey results, Grover wants to
be able to show our leaders in Congress that hundreds of
thousands of Americans participated in this survey --
so please take a minute to respond and SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Here is the link again: http://www.atr.org/A426.htm

Check it out.

For Integrity,
Bruce Eberle

PS: Full details of President Bush's tax cut plan are available at the ATR

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