Enron Mail

To:gerald.nemec@enron.com, kim.ward@enron.com
Subject:FW: Draft of MSA Document
Date:Mon, 14 May 2001 02:47:00 -0700 (PDT)

pls find following a draft of the Canadian MSA which I would like to use as a
template. Let's meet today to discuss a MOU document which can bind the two
parties while the MSA is ratified.

-----Original Message-----
From: Johnston, Greg
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 9:08 AM
To: Tycholiz, Barry
Cc: DiStefano, Cyntia
Subject: Draft of MSA Document

Barry, here is our precedent form of MSA.


---------------------- Forwarded by Greg Johnston/CAL/ECT on 05/14/2001 08:03
AM ---------------------------

Cyntia DiStefano
05/14/2001 08:00 AM
To: Greg Johnston/CAL/ECT@ECT
cc: Barry Tycholiz/Enron@EnronXGate
Subject: Draft of MSA Document

Good Morning Greg,

Can you please email a blank copy of the MSA agreement to Barry Tycholiz?

Thank you,

---------------------- Forwarded by Cyntia DiStefano/CAL/ECT on 05/14/2001
07:55 AM ---------------------------
From: Barry Tycholiz/ENRON@enronXgate on 05/14/2001 08:21 AM CDT
To: Cyntia DiStefano/CAL/ECT@ECT
Subject: Draft of MSA Document

Cyntia, can you have someone e-mail to me a copy of the draft MSA. I would
like to review this document for down here.

Thanks, BT