Enron Mail |
AN ASS OUT OF MYSELF AND FORWARD THIS TO ANYONE ELSE. GT < -----Original Message----- < From: carpenter, tobin < Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 9:59 AM < To: battles, bill; galindo, julie; halderman, ralf; helton, debi; ivy, < larry; polski, mary beth; pormprasong, louis; shelby, jimmie; tamez, < daniel; Townsend, George < Subject: FW: Fw: AOL < < < < -----Original Message----- < From: ross, deborah < Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 8:51 AM < To: arnold, nikki; breaux, sherry; cameron, cathy; carpenter, tobin; < ellis, mike; galindo, julie; gutierrez, belinda; hauser, bonnie; havens, < liz; helton, debi; hyder, tarryl; krenek, david; lennon, priscilla; < polski, mary beth; lybecker, teri < Subject: FW: Fw: AOL < < < < -----Original Message----- < From: Deb Ross [SMTP:dross314@hotmail.com] < Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2000 4:50 PM < To: Rhonda2702@aol.com; elledger@laketravis.txed.net; < tinamartinez@maximus.com; Sharon_m_swan@uhc.com; cbraden@aol.com; < panama@centuryinter.net; AGolden519@aol.com; Wm1comp@aol.com; < dross@manorisd.net; djjones@dmg.maxinc.com; tx4tune@msn.com; < julbug@bellsouth.net; johnsonkc@earthlink.net; rpcnsb@aol.com; < Wendy.bagwell@thementornetwork.com < Subject: Fwd: Fw: AOL < < < < < <From: "mary newcomb" <mnewcomb@tsixroads.com< < <To: "RICK NEWCOMB" <rnewcomb@tsixroads.com<, "robin" < <rturner172@aol.com<, < < "Robin Turner" <rturner@sofamordanek.com<, "Lyndsey < Newcomb" < <<lyndseyallison@hotmail.com<, "DEB ROSS" <dross314@hotmail.com<, < <"Shanklin" <shanklin@tsixroads.com< < <Subject: Fw: AOL < <Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2000 18:55:31 -0500 < < < < < <-----Original Message----- < <From: Carley Roberts <croberts@tsixroads.com< < <To: Janet Holley <bholley@tsixroads.com<; Daniel Mathis < <<dbmathis@swbell.net<; Denese Smith <CDS821@aol.com<; Jennifer Yarbrough < <<jcyarbrough@bcbsal.org<; Tammie Harvill <tharvi@tsixroads.com<; Christi < <Smith <titanic29@webtv.net<; Mary Newcomb <mnewcomb@tsixroads.com<; < Lyndsey < <Newcomb <lyndseyallison@hotmail.com<; Rick Newcomb < <<rnewcomb@tsixroads.com<; < <Joe Roberts <jroberts@tsixroads.com<; Robin Turner <rturner172@aol.com< < <Date: Thursday, September 07, 2000 7:49 PM < <Subject: Fw: AOL < < < < < < < < < <----- Original Message ----- < < <From: bobby wade holley <bholley@tsixroads.com< < < <To: carley roberts <croberts@tsixroads.com< < < <Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 7:27 PM < < <Subject: Fw: AOL < < < < < < < < << < < << -----Original Message----- < < << From: rick gray <rgray@avsia.com< < < << To: BOBBY HOLLEY <bholley@tsixroads.com<; CRAIG RHODES < <<bayley@avsia.com<; < < << GARY AUSTIN <gcaustin@usit.net<; jessie godwin < < << <jsgodwin@freedom2000net.com<; JOE RINEHART <VAGABOND@tsixroads.com<; < < <ROY < < << WRIGHT <wroy@tsixroads.com<; STAN <popfly@freedom2000net.com<; SHERRY < <GRAY < < << <sgray@fleetwoodretail.com<; steve tucker <steventucker@avsia.com<; < TIM < < << BARNES <tbarnes@avsia.com<; tony fondren <tonyf@usit.net<; will < < << <willdeb@tsixroads.com< < < << Date: Thursday, September 07, 2000 6:13 PM < < << Subject: Fw: AOL < < << < < << < < << < < < << <----- Original Message ----- < < << <From: "Nathan Voeller" <voeller@uswest.net< < < << <To: <AHen855423@aol.com<; "Tiffany" <amanda.dixon.@us.zurich.com<; < <"Barb < < << <Stoxen" <barbi111@yahoo.com<; "Bryan Haag" <bdmm@uswest.net<; "Brad < or < < << <Debbie Fuller" <blfuller@boink.net<; "bryan radin" < < <<nbradin@email.msn.com<; < < << <"Cammy Bosch" <cbosch@peoplepc.com<; <CheneyLane@gateway.net<; < <"Christy < < << <Huerta" <HuertaC@cookministries.org<; "curt kressley" < < << <<mrdiagnle@prodigy.net<; "Donavan" <dvoeller@pioneer.state.nd.us<; < < << <"douglasm1" <douglasm1@email.msn.com<; "Drewbears" < < << <<Drewbears@email.msn.com<; "Dwight Wangen" <DWangen@webtv.net<; < < <"Elizabeth < < << <Mason" <lizard31@home.com<; "Erlene Heupel" <eheupel@mohs.org<; < "Faith < < << <Voeller" <lil_chicn@yahoo.com<; "Jeff Case" <jeffcase@dwx.com<; "Jo < <Ann < < << <Pritchett" <jpritchett@lightspeed.net<; "Joan Voeller" < < << <<voeller@btigate.com<; "John Voeller" <dirtboy17@hotmail.com<; < "Laura < < << <DeOrnellas" <lauradeo@one-eleven.net<; <MadiMorg@aol.com<; "mande" < < << <<soccermom@atlnet.com<; "Mary Freisz" <maryf@btigate.com<; < < << <<Mtsothmoon@aol.com<; "Neomi" <neomiv@dwx.com<; "Nicole Voeller" < < << <<nicole_voeller@educ8.org<; <NVoeller12@MSN.com<; "Sandy" < < << <<jpritchett@dellnet.com<; <Stephi711@aol.com<; <SusZooo@aol.com<; < <"Tarryn < < << <Soberg" <tarrynsoberg@hotmail.com<; "Tad" <tjp4460@dellnet.com< < < << <Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 9:01 AM < < << <Subject: Fw: AOL < < << < < < << < < < << << < < << << ----- Original Message ----- < < << << < < << << <<< < < << << < < < < <<< Let's hope it works, if it doesn't..no loss < < << << < < < < <<< < < << << < < < < <<< To all of my friends, I do not usually forward < messages < < <but < < << << this < < << << < < < < <<< is from my good friend Pearlas Sanborn and she really < < <is < < <an < < << << < < < < <<< attorney.....If she says that this will work - it < WILL < < <work. < < << << < < < < <<< After all,what have you got to lose? < < << << < < < < <<< < < << << < < < < <<< SORRY EVERYBODY.....JUST HAD TO TAKE THE CHANCE!!! < < << << < < < < <<< I'm an attorney, and I know the law. This thing is < for < < << real. < < << << < < < < <<< Rest assured, AOL and Intel will follow through with < <their < < << << < promises < < << << < < <for < < << << < < < < <<< fear of facing multimillion dollar class action suit < < << similar < < << << to < < << << < < <the < < << << < < <one < < << << < < < < <<< filed by Pepsico against General Electric not too < long < < <ago. < < << << < < < < <<< We're not going to help them out with their e-mail < beta < < <test < < << << < < <without < < << << < < < < <<< getting a little something for our time. My brother's < < << << girlfriend < < << << < < <got < < << << < < <in < < << << < < < < <<< on this a few months ago. When I went to visit him < for < <the < < << << < < <Baylor/UT < < << << < < < < <<< game,she showed me her check. It was for the sum of < < << $4,324.44 < < << << and < < << << < < <was < < << << < < < < <<< stamped "Paid In Full". Like I said before, I know < the < < <law, < < << <and < < << << < < <this < < << << < < <is < < << << < < < < <<< for real. If you don't believe me you can email her < at < < << << < < < < <<< jpiltman@baylor.edu. She's eager to answer any < <questions < < << you < < << << < guys < < << << < < <might < < << << < < < < <<< have. < < << << < < < < <<< Intel and AOL are now discussing a merger which would < <make < < << <them < < << << < the < < << << < < < < <<< largest Internet company and in an effort make sure < <that < < <AOL < < << << < < <remains < < << << < < <the < < << << < < < < <<< most widely used program, Intel and AOL are running < an < < << << < beta < < << << < < < < <<< test. When you forward this e-mail to friends, Intel < < <can < < << and < < << << < will < < << << < < <track < < << << < < < < <<< it (if you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two < week < < <time < < << << < < <period. < < << << < < < < <<< For every person that you forward this e-mail to, < < <Microsoft < < << << will < < << << < < <pay < < << << < < <you < < << << < < < < <<< $203.15. For every person that you sent it to that < < <forwards < < << <it < < << << < on, < < << << < < < < <<< Microsoft will pay you $156.29 and for every third < <person < < << <that < < << << < < <receives < < << << < < < < <<< it, you will be paid $17.65. Within two weeks, Intel < <will < < << << contact < < << << < < <you < < << << < < < < <<< for your address and then send you a check. I thought < <this < < << <was < < << << a < < << << < < <scam < < << << < < < < <<< myself, but a friend of my good friend's Aunt < Patricia, < < <who < < << << works < < << << < < <at < < << << < < < < <<< Intel actually got a check for $4,543.23 by < forwarding < < <this < < << << < e-mail. < < << << < < < < <<< Try it, what have you got to lose???? < < << << < < < < <<< < < << << < < < < <<< < < << << < < < < <<< < < << << < < < < <<< < < << << < < < < << < < << << < < < < << < < << << < < < < << < < << << < < < < <Melissa J. Haahr < < << << < < < < <Business Manager < < << << < < < < <Northwood Public School < < << << < < < < < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < < < < << << < < < < < << << < < < < < << << < < < < < << << < < < < < << << < < <_______________________________________________________ < < << << < < <Say Bye to Slow Internet! < < << << < < <http://www.home.com/xinbox/signup.html < < << << < < < < < << << < < < < << << < < < < << << < < < <_________________________________________________________________________ < < << << < < Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at < < << << http://www.hotmail.com. < < << << < < < < << << < < Share information about yourself, create your own public < profile < <at < < << << < < http://profiles.msn.com. < < << << < < < << << < < < << << < < << << < < << << < < << < < < << < < < << < < < < < < < _________________________________________________________________________ < Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com. < < Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at < http://profiles.msn.com.