Enron Mail

To:hsherer@earthlink.net, bmiller@hfflp.com, jtatum@genescosports.com,gerald.nemec@enron.com, fvehon@dillonserv.com, james_esquivel@equityoffice.com, pharmon@henrysmiller.com, jthomson@mofo.com, barker358@aol.com, marcameron@aol.com, ljones@scomaha.com
Subject:Golf Tournament Reminder - The Shit List
Date:Fri, 4 Aug 2000 03:15:00 -0700 (PDT)

I'm now in the pinch I expected to be in. I've already got 16 checks in th=
barn, but I'm missing yours. I'm going to go ahead and put all of your
non-refundable green fees on my credit card since I haven't received your
checks. The pro will be calling me any minute now wanting the final number
of players, along with my credit card number. So let me know immediately i=
you're bailin' out. If any of you have already sent them and, for some
reason, I haven't gotten them, please disregard this message and the harsh
tone I'm using (if you can hear my tone over the Internet). If any of you
back out, you'll be sticking me with $48. That will be four less Mai Tais
for Sharon and me in Hawaii. Please send your *$%#@! checks! Here's the?me=
ssage I sent out about a month ago, in case you forgot:??Twenty-nine of you=
have said you want to play and I've got three or four?guys on the bubble t=
hat haven't received permission to play from their wives?or girlfriends. R=
egardless, I reserved tee times for seven foursomes with?the first group go=
ing at 8:32 a.m. on Friday morning and the last at about?9:20 a.m. (eight m=
inutes between each group). I'm sure we can squeeze in?another group when =
the numbers round out. I've put down an initial deposit?of $112 ($4 a head=
) that is only refundable for merchandise in the golf shop?or range balls (=
don't ask me why, but that's in the contract). In addition,?I need checks =
from each of you for $48.00 by Aug. 1 (green fee, half a cart,?and $4 depos=
it). Please send them to 3235 Cole Ave. #15, Dallas, 75204. I?need to giv=
e the pro a final number and pull the trigger on the full deposit?(putting =
the remaining $44 per player on my credit card) by Aug. 3. Your?check will=
reserve your spot and will enable me to get firm commitments from?everybod=
y. It will also enable me to round out the numbers and put you in?your fou=
rsomes. Thanks; looking forward to it.???William S. Snyder?SAYLES, LIDJI &=
WERBNER??Confidentiality Notice: This email is not encrypted. For informat=
ion on?secure, encrypted communication with the firm, visit the Secure Area=
of our?website at http://www.saylid.com. This email is, however, confiden=
tial and?may be privileged; it is for the sole use of the named and intende=
d?recipient. Any review or distribution by others is strictly prohibited a=
nd?may be illegal. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete al=
l?copies received and notify Sayles, Lidji & Werbner, A Professional?Corpor=