Enron Mail

To:tom.acton@enron.com, clem.cernosek@enron.com, pat.clynes@enron.com,charlotte.hawkins@enron.com, aimee.lannou@enron.com, robert.lloyd@enron.com, mark.mccoy@enron.com, stella.morris@enron.com, carlos.rodriguez@enron.com, susan.trevino@enron.com, jacki
Subject:HPL's 75th Anniversary Celebration
Date:Thu, 10 Aug 2000 04:13:00 -0700 (PDT)

"To all HPL employees:

A month from today we'll be in Galveston celebrating HPL's 75th anniversary=
. =20
We have a great program that will showcase HPL's history and its contributi=
to Enron's success. =20

HPL is more than the pipeline - it's the people and their skills. From gas=
trading to business operations and from producer services to engineering, t=
skills developed and honed at HPL have supported our success in power, coal=
liquids, and broadband capacity. HPL was the cornerstone of Enron's=20
physical gas network on which we built the contractual/trading network of=
Enron's gas business.

If you plan to attend, but have not made your dinner and hotel reservations=
please do so ASAP by:

Sending the information requested below via email to meetingstop@aol.com.

Register now! =20

1) Employee=01,s Name

2) Employee=01,s Daytime Phone Number

3) Guest=01,s Name

4) Overnight Accommodations (select one of each category)
? King Bed or Two Queen Beds=20
? Smoking or Non-Smoking room

5) Dinner Only? Yes / No

Expect registration confirmation via email.

Our reservation deadline is August 16th. If you plan to stay at Moody=20
Gardens on Friday night, please make your reservations directly with the=20
hotel on your personal credit card.=20

I look forward to seeing you at this very special anniversary salute. =20
Cocktails begin at 6:30 pm with dinner at 7:30.=20
