Enron Mail |
On Friday, January 26, 2001, an earthquake rocked the western region of
India. The earthquake reportedly had a magnitude of 7.9 and was centered in the state of Gujarat. Initial reports indicate the death toll to be at least 15,000. Most of the damage was reported in Ahmedabad, the state's commercial center. Enron has a significant business presence in India. It has E&P interests off the Gujarat coast and is the majority owner of the Dabhol Power project, ultimately a 2,184 MW (net) generating plant, serving consumers in the state of Maharashtra, which borders Gujarat to the south. Consequently, Enron Oil and Gas India Limited (EOGIL), Enron India and DPC have mobilized staff and resources in India to tangibly assist the relief effort (e.g. contributing emergency medical supplies). Enron employees are encouraged to donate to relief efforts and to take advantage of our Matching Gift Program to double the impact of your donation. Enron will match, dollar for dollar, every donation that you make, up to $15,000 annually per employee. Listed below are a multitude of organizations that are offering aid to the victims of this earthquake. To print a Matching Gift form, please click here << File: http://home.enron.com/cr/ << and then click on gifts, grants and giving. Please fill out the form and send it with your check to 3AC-1409. We will send the money collected, along with a check from Enron for the same amount, to each of the organizations. Please make sure to write "India" in the memo area on your check. If you have any questions, please contact Misha Siegel via email. Thank you, in advance, for your support! Organizations aiding victims of the Earthquake in India: Adventist Development and Relief Agency American Friends Service Committee American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee American Jewish World Service American Red Cross Baptist World Aid B'nai B'rith International Brothers' Brother Foundation CARE Catholic Medical Mission Board Catholic Relief Services Childreach/PLAN International Christian Reformed World Relief Committee Church World Service Concern America Concern Worldwide Direct Relief International Doctors Without Borders International Aid International Relief Teams Lutheran World Relief MAP International Mercy Corps International Operation USA Oxfam America Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Project Concern International Salvation Army World Service Save the Children Share Foundation United Methodist Committee on Relief US Fund for UNICEF World Relief, Department 3 World Vision