Enron Mail |
As the father of two juvenile diabetics and a Walk Co-Team Captain (with=20
Shonnie Daniel) here at Enron, I am writing to request you to participate i= n=20 Enron's drive to help raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation's=20 ("JDF") annual Walk to Cure Diabetes. The Walk takes place at 9:00 a.m.,= =20 Sunday, November 5, 2000, at Sam Houston Race Park. The Walk itself is=20 extremely enjoyable and it is a festive occasion with hospitality tents,=20 food, music and lots of kids.=20 =20 You can participate by walking (and obtaining sponsors) or by sponsoring = a=20 walker (such as myself or my children). Last year, the ENA legal team=20 contributed over $5,000 to the Walk (and there is a dollar-for-dollar Enron= =20 match), which put us in the top 5 teams at Enron. If you intend to contribute and walk, let me or Shonnie know and we will= =20 get you the necessary forms. If you don=01,t intend to walk, your sponsorin= g=20 contributions should be made by check payable to =01&JDF=018 and you can gi= ve that=20 check to me or Shonnie. If you want to participate in either way and want = me=20 to call you with more information, there is a sign up sheet on my office=20 window across from the Ladies Room on 38. =20 Juvenile diabetes is an auto-immune disease where the child's immune system= =20 attacks and destroys his or her pancreatic cells that produce insulin. As = a=20 consequence, my children need daily doses of insulin to live, and they must= =20 closely regulate their diet, exercise and blood sugar. This treatment=20 involves at least 2 insulin injections and 5 blood tests a day, and they wi= ll=20 never "outgrow" this disease. Heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, loss of limbs and nerve= =20 damage are just some of the complications that are associated with diabetes= . =20 As you can imagine, with such possibilities, there is also a significant=20 psychological price to pay with this disease. The prospect of a cure =01)= =20 funded in part by contributions from friends like you =01) does truly make = all=20 the difference to the outlook of these young people by giving them hope for= =20 the future. Experts believe that with adequate funding of diabetes researc= h,=20 a cure or at least less intrusive and more effective treatments are possibl= e=20 within the next five years. Thank you for your consideration of this worthy cause. Bart Clark (36119)