Enron Mail

Subject:Permanent release of Enron WIC Medicine Bow capacity
Date:Fri, 27 Oct 2000 07:40:00 -0700 (PDT)

As we discussed, Enron North Amercia would like to permanently assign a
portion of our Vintage WIC Medicine Bow capacity to J.M. Huber Corp. We
would like to structure the release so that all financial responsibility for
the capacity is permanently held by Huber.

The following are the volumes and terms we are looking to release.

Package 1

Term 1/01/02 - end of term

Quantity 10,325 mmbtu/d

Rate Contract rate of $.12 per mmbtu

Package 2

Term 11/01/02 - end of term

Quantity 35,975 mmbtu/d

Rate Contract rate of $.12 per mmbtu

We prefer to release at the contract rate, however, if it is a tarriff
requirement we can adjust that to max rate.
I think you will find J.M. Huber to have excellent financials and probably a
higher credit rating than Enron North America. You should be receiving their
financials soon, if you need help getting that information please let me know.

Let me know what else you might need.

Thanks for your help.
