Enron Mail

Subject:Question About PA
Date:Mon, 22 Jan 2001 00:46:00 -0800 (PST)


Also, need to put assignment language in the PA. Kern allows for the
assignment of TSA's. Go figure!
---------------------- Forwarded by Stephanie Miller/Corp/Enron on 01/22/2001
06:45 AM ---------------------------

Stephanie Miller
01/22/2001 08:45 AM
To: Kirk.t.morgan@williams.com
cc: kevin.j.billings@williams.com

Subject: Question About PA

Thought of another question re: the PA for the expansion. Why does the
agreement overide the GT&C tariff provisions for payment (last paragraph in
Article II)?

Also, can you extend the "management out" to Feb 21? My thoughts are that a
few more days are needed on our part. Will you have already programmed the
different scenarios such that it is not a rigorous processs to recalculate
the rates?

After we sort out the answers to these questions, we'll send a red-lined
version of the PA to you for review.

