Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Bridgeline Storage Co. 24 " pipeline
Date:Wed, 27 Dec 2000 07:35:00 -0800 (PST)

thanks for the info. i'll get it filed with time to spare. this matter
will be heard on 1/18/2001 and we will need a witness. we can address the
hearing/witness later.

thanks, larry
-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald.Nemec@enron.com [mailto:Gerald.Nemec@enron.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2000 3:03 PM
To: lhand@lemle.com
Cc: Robert.d.Morgan@BHLP.com; Rusty.Belflower@enron.com
Subject: Bridgeline Storage Co. 24 " pipeline

Larry, I am OK with the form and Robert's changes, except that the proper
name is Bridgeline Storage Company, LLC. No periods after the LLC.

Everything else looks fine.

----- Forwarded by Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT on 12/27/2000 02:57 PM -----

Robert D

Morgan To: Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT@ECT

cc: Rusty
12/15/2000 Subject: Bridgeline Storage Co.
24 " pipeline
10:47 AM

I only had a few changes, see the attached red-line.

(See attached file: NIP - Enron Application.doc)

---------------------- Forwarded by Robert D Morgan/HOU/ECT on 12/15/2000
10:43 AM ---------------------------

"Lawrence J. Hand, Jr." <lhand@lemle.com< on 12/12/2000 02:30:12 PM

To: "Gerald Nemec (E-mail)" <gnemec@ect.enron.com<, "Rusty Belflower
(E-mail)" <Rusty.Belflower@enron.com<, "'Robert.d.Morgan@bhlp.com'"
Subject: Bridgeline Storage Co. 24 " pipeline

Gentlemen: enclosed is a draft application to the Louisiana Office of
Conservation for authority to construct and operate pipeline facilities.
Please let me know if you have any comments or questions. The filing
deadline is Dec. 29.

<<Application for Authority to Construct --Bridgeline Storage Co..DOC<<

(See attached file: Application for Authority to Construct --Bridgeline
Storage Co..DOC)