Enron Mail |
Major looked awesome, but I support the double QB idea. Why? Major lacks
mobility. A&M will eat his lunch if they can put pressure on him. Dude, No Le Hace was awesome. Do you remember the blonde name Jen with the big Ta Tas. She got naked with about fifteen other people and was just walking around and sliding down the slide that was available. Mingo came and almost go laid again by this Shamu look a like. How was Cabo Wabo? GT < -----Original Message----- < From: Gerald.Nemec@enron.com [SMTP:Gerald.Nemec@enron.com] < Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 6:10 PM < To: Townsend, George < Subject: Re: FW: Fw: AOL < < < This message is BS. What's up dude? How was the game? Looks like Major < is the starter from now on. < < < < < < < "Townsend, < < George" To: Gerald < Nemec/HOU/ECT@ECT, "'wayne fulton'" <jwf@flashmail.com< < <gtownsend@man cc: < < orisd.net< Subject: FW: Fw: AOL < < < < 09/11/2000 < < 10:23 AM < < < < < < < < < < < HEY GUYS. IS THIS STUFF BS OR WHAT? LET ME KNOW YOUR OPINION SO I DON'T < MAKE < AN ASS OUT OF MYSELF AND FORWARD THIS TO ANYONE ELSE. < < GT < < < -----Original Message----- < < From: carpenter, tobin < < Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 9:59 AM < < To: battles, bill; galindo, julie; halderman, ralf; helton, debi; < ivy, < < larry; polski, mary beth; pormprasong, louis; shelby, jimmie; tamez, < < daniel; Townsend, George < < Subject: FW: Fw: AOL < < < < < < < < -----Original Message----- < < From: ross, deborah < < Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 8:51 AM < < To: arnold, nikki; breaux, sherry; cameron, cathy; carpenter, tobin; < < ellis, mike; galindo, julie; gutierrez, belinda; hauser, bonnie; havens, < < liz; helton, debi; hyder, tarryl; krenek, david; lennon, priscilla; < < polski, mary beth; lybecker, teri < < Subject: FW: Fw: AOL < < < < < < < < -----Original Message----- < < From: Deb Ross [SMTP:dross314@hotmail.com] < < Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2000 4:50 PM < < To: Rhonda2702@aol.com; elledger@laketravis.txed.net; < < tinamartinez@maximus.com; Sharon_m_swan@uhc.com; cbraden@aol.com; < < panama@centuryinter.net; AGolden519@aol.com; Wm1comp@aol.com; < < dross@manorisd.net; djjones@dmg.maxinc.com; tx4tune@msn.com; < < julbug@bellsouth.net; johnsonkc@earthlink.net; rpcnsb@aol.com; < < Wendy.bagwell@thementornetwork.com < < Subject: Fwd: Fw: AOL < < < < < < < < < < <From: "mary newcomb" <mnewcomb@tsixroads.com< < < <To: "RICK NEWCOMB" <rnewcomb@tsixroads.com<, "robin" < < <rturner172@aol.com<, < < < "Robin Turner" <rturner@sofamordanek.com<, "Lyndsey < < Newcomb" < < <<lyndseyallison@hotmail.com<, "DEB ROSS" <dross314@hotmail.com<, < < <"Shanklin" <shanklin@tsixroads.com< < < <Subject: Fw: AOL < < <Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2000 18:55:31 -0500 < < < < < < < < <-----Original Message----- < < <From: Carley Roberts <croberts@tsixroads.com< < < <To: Janet Holley <bholley@tsixroads.com<; Daniel Mathis < < <<dbmathis@swbell.net<; Denese Smith <CDS821@aol.com<; Jennifer < Yarbrough < < <<jcyarbrough@bcbsal.org<; Tammie Harvill <tharvi@tsixroads.com<; < Christi < < <Smith <titanic29@webtv.net<; Mary Newcomb <mnewcomb@tsixroads.com<; < < Lyndsey < < <Newcomb <lyndseyallison@hotmail.com<; Rick Newcomb < < <<rnewcomb@tsixroads.com<; < < <Joe Roberts <jroberts@tsixroads.com<; Robin Turner <rturner172@aol.com< < < <Date: Thursday, September 07, 2000 7:49 PM < < <Subject: Fw: AOL < < < < < < < < < < < < < <----- Original Message ----- < < < <From: bobby wade holley <bholley@tsixroads.com< < < < <To: carley roberts <croberts@tsixroads.com< < < < <Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 7:27 PM < < < <Subject: Fw: AOL < < < < < < < < < < < << < < < << -----Original Message----- < < < << From: rick gray <rgray@avsia.com< < < < << To: BOBBY HOLLEY <bholley@tsixroads.com<; CRAIG RHODES < < <<bayley@avsia.com<; < < < << GARY AUSTIN <gcaustin@usit.net<; jessie godwin < < < << <jsgodwin@freedom2000net.com<; JOE RINEHART < <VAGABOND@tsixroads.com<; < < < < <ROY < < < << WRIGHT <wroy@tsixroads.com<; STAN <popfly@freedom2000net.com<; < SHERRY < < <GRAY < < < << <sgray@fleetwoodretail.com<; steve tucker <steventucker@avsia.com<; < < TIM < < < << BARNES <tbarnes@avsia.com<; tony fondren <tonyf@usit.net<; will < < < << <willdeb@tsixroads.com< < < < << Date: Thursday, September 07, 2000 6:13 PM < < < << Subject: Fw: AOL < < < << < < < << < < < << < < < < << <----- Original Message ----- < < < << <From: "Nathan Voeller" <voeller@uswest.net< < < < << <To: <AHen855423@aol.com<; "Tiffany" <amanda.dixon.@us.zurich.com<; < < <"Barb < < < << <Stoxen" <barbi111@yahoo.com<; "Bryan Haag" <bdmm@uswest.net<; < "Brad < < or < < < << <Debbie Fuller" <blfuller@boink.net<; "bryan radin" < < < <<nbradin@email.msn.com<; < < < << <"Cammy Bosch" <cbosch@peoplepc.com<; <CheneyLane@gateway.net<; < < <"Christy < < < << <Huerta" <HuertaC@cookministries.org<; "curt kressley" < < < << <<mrdiagnle@prodigy.net<; "Donavan" <dvoeller@pioneer.state.nd.us<; < < < << <"douglasm1" <douglasm1@email.msn.com<; "Drewbears" < < < << <<Drewbears@email.msn.com<; "Dwight Wangen" <DWangen@webtv.net<; < < < <"Elizabeth < < < << <Mason" <lizard31@home.com<; "Erlene Heupel" <eheupel@mohs.org<; < < "Faith < < < << <Voeller" <lil_chicn@yahoo.com<; "Jeff Case" <jeffcase@dwx.com<; < "Jo < < <Ann < < < << <Pritchett" <jpritchett@lightspeed.net<; "Joan Voeller" < < < << <<voeller@btigate.com<; "John Voeller" <dirtboy17@hotmail.com<; < < "Laura < < < << <DeOrnellas" <lauradeo@one-eleven.net<; <MadiMorg@aol.com<; "mande" < < < << <<soccermom@atlnet.com<; "Mary Freisz" <maryf@btigate.com<; < < < << <<Mtsothmoon@aol.com<; "Neomi" <neomiv@dwx.com<; "Nicole Voeller" < < < << <<nicole_voeller@educ8.org<; <NVoeller12@MSN.com<; "Sandy" < < < << <<jpritchett@dellnet.com<; <Stephi711@aol.com<; <SusZooo@aol.com<; < < <"Tarryn < < < << <Soberg" <tarrynsoberg@hotmail.com<; "Tad" <tjp4460@dellnet.com< < < < << <Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 9:01 AM < < < << <Subject: Fw: AOL < < < << < < < < << < < < < << << < < < << << ----- Original Message ----- < < < << << < < < << << <<< < < < << << < < < < <<< Let's hope it works, if it doesn't..no loss < < < << << < < < < <<< < < < << << < < < < <<< To all of my friends, I do not usually forward < < messages < < < <but < < < << << this < < < << << < < < < <<< is from my good friend Pearlas Sanborn and she < really < < < < <is < < < <an < < < << << < < < < <<< attorney.....If she says that this will work - it < < WILL < < < <work. < < < << << < < < < <<< After all,what have you got to lose? < < < << << < < < < <<< < < < << << < < < < <<< SORRY EVERYBODY.....JUST HAD TO TAKE THE CHANCE!!! < < < << << < < < < <<< I'm an attorney, and I know the law. This thing is < < for < < < << real. < < < << << < < < < <<< Rest assured, AOL and Intel will follow through < with < < <their < < < << << < promises < < < << << < < <for < < < << << < < < < <<< fear of facing multimillion dollar class action < suit < < < << similar < < < << << to < < < << << < < <the < < < << << < < <one < < < << << < < < < <<< filed by Pepsico against General Electric not too < < long < < < <ago. < < < << << < < < < <<< We're not going to help them out with their e-mail < < beta < < < <test < < < << << < < <without < < < << << < < < < <<< getting a little something for our time. My < brother's < < < << << girlfriend < < < << << < < <got < < < << << < < <in < < < << << < < < < <<< on this a few months ago. When I went to visit him < < for < < <the < < < << << < < <Baylor/UT < < < << << < < < < <<< game,she showed me her check. It was for the sum of < < < << $4,324.44 < < < << << and < < < << << < < <was < < < << << < < < < <<< stamped "Paid In Full". Like I said before, I know < < the < < < <law, < < < << <and < < < << << < < <this < < < << << < < <is < < < << << < < < < <<< for real. If you don't believe me you can email her < < at < < < << << < < < < <<< jpiltman@baylor.edu. She's eager to answer any < < <questions < < < << you < < < << << < guys < < < << << < < <might < < < << << < < < < <<< have. < < < << << < < < < <<< Intel and AOL are now discussing a merger which < would < < <make < < < << <them < < < << << < the < < < << << < < < < <<< largest Internet company and in an effort make sure < < <that < < < <AOL < < < << << < < <remains < < < << << < < <the < < < << << < < < < <<< most widely used program, Intel and AOL are running < < an < < < << << < beta < < < << << < < < < <<< test. When you forward this e-mail to friends, < Intel < < < < <can < < < << and < < < << << < will < < < << << < < <track < < < << << < < < < <<< it (if you are a Microsoft Windows user) for a two < < week < < < <time < < < << << < < <period. < < < << << < < < < <<< For every person that you forward this e-mail to, < < < <Microsoft < < < << << will < < < << << < < <pay < < < << << < < <you < < < << << < < < < <<< $203.15. For every person that you sent it to that < < < <forwards < < < << <it < < < << << < on, < < < << << < < < < <<< Microsoft will pay you $156.29 and for every third < < <person < < < << <that < < < << << < < <receives < < < << << < < < < <<< it, you will be paid $17.65. Within two weeks, < Intel < < <will < < < << << contact < < < << << < < <you < < < << << < < < < <<< for your address and then send you a check. I < thought < < <this < < < << <was < < < << << a < < < << << < < <scam < < < << << < < < < <<< myself, but a friend of my good friend's Aunt < < Patricia, < < < <who < < < << << works < < < << << < < <at < < < << << < < < < <<< Intel actually got a check for $4,543.23 by < < forwarding < < < <this < < < << << < e-mail. < < < << << < < < < <<< Try it, what have you got to lose???? < < < << << < < < < <<< < < < << << < < < < <<< < < < << << < < < < <<< < < < << << < < < < <<< < < < << << < < < < << < < < << << < < < < << < < < << << < < < < << < < < << << < < < < <Melissa J. Haahr < < < << << < < < < <Business Manager < < < << << < < < < <Northwood Public School < < < << << < < < < < < < < << << < < < < < < < << << < < < < < < < << << < < < < < < < << << < < < < < < < << << < < < < < < < << << < < < < < < < << << < < < < < < < << << < < < < < < < << << < < < < < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < <_______________________________________________________ < < < << << < < <Say Bye to Slow Internet! < < < << << < < <http://www.home.com/xinbox/signup.html < < < << << < < < < < < << << < < < < < << << < < < < < << << < < < < < < < _________________________________________________________________________ < < < << << < < Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at < < < << << http://www.hotmail.com. < < < << << < < < < < << << < < Share information about yourself, create your own public < < profile < < <at < < < << << < < http://profiles.msn.com. < < < << << < < < < << << < < < < << << < < < << << < < < << << < < < << < < < < << < < < < << < < < < < < < < < < < < _________________________________________________________________________ < < Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at < http://www.hotmail.com. < < < < Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at < < http://profiles.msn.com. < <