Enron Mail |
Attached for your review and further handling is a red-lined version indicating our changes for the FPL/HPL Confidentiality Agreement. Most of the changes were to make the agreement bilateral. Thanks, Eric Gillaspie 713-345-7667 Enron Building 3886 Greg Brazaitis 11/08/2000 09:50 AM To: Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT@ECT, Eric Gillaspie/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Confidentiality Agreement Gentlemen, I have received the following from Florida Power and Light on a new IPP. Please reveiw and then let us construct an agreement that we can return to them. Thanks, Greg ---------------------- Forwarded by Greg Brazaitis/HOU/ECT on 11/08/2000 09:01 AM --------------------------- Bill_Barrett@fpl.com on 11/06/2000 03:55:52 PM To: Greg.Brazaitis@enron.com cc: Subject: Confidentiality Agreement Greg, I have attached a plain vanilla confidentiality agreement that allows us to discuss in detail our potential site in east Texas. Please have the appropriate person it and return it to me for our files.I will return a fully executed copy to you . Thanks, Bill (See attached file: Pipeline Confidentiality Agreement.doc) - Pipeline Confidentiality Agreement.doc