Enron Mail |
Per our discussion of this morning, I have reviewed the orphaned asset list that you provided and have the following observations. Please feel free to call with any questions. San Marcos Pipeline Property (SVH has no information, inquire of Dan Hyvl, Anne Elizabeth White, Gerald Nemec or Sandi Braband) Allen Compressor Station (SVH is reviewing the current lease and file containing partnership agreement relative to this Oklahoma-based asset and will contact Brandi regarding legal options available for disposing of this asset) Enron Field Services / Nacadogches Gathering System (ENA sold its interest in the Nacogdoches Gathering System portion of this combination gathering/transmission pipeline system to Pinnacle Natural Gas Company in September 1999 [the combined gathering/transmission system package had been acquired from El Paso Field Services in January 1999. Currently HPL owns the Trawick System which consists of approximately 35 miles of 8" pipeline located in Nacogdoches County, Texas. I believe this pipeline connects HPL's Texoma system to Lone Star--are you certain that this is not being sold to AEP as part of the HPL system? Matagorda Terminal HPL or one of its older subsidiaries (HPL Hydrocarbons, or something similar), owns a partnership interest in a general partnership that owns and operates this natural gas liquids or condensate barge terminal located on the intercoastal waterway adjacent to the Oyster Lake Condensate Stabilization Facility that HPL sold to TPC in 1996. Steve Schneider (or perhaps Ann Elizabeth White) should have the partnership agreement. Robstown Flare (SVH has no information) Crawfish - Plant Sale Crawfish - Land Sale (SVH has no information--Gerald Lofton, Jack Simunek, Shonnie Daniel, or Sandi Braband might have details) Texaco Purchase Assumption Parish (SVH has no information) Napoleonville Salt Dome This item on your list, together with the next two entries, comprise the gas storage facilities owned by Enron Storage Company and I believe these assets were contributed to and are currently utilized by the Bridgeline Joint Venture that was formed in 2000 with Texaco. Shonnie Daniel, Barbara Gray and Sandi Braband are the lawyers who know the details of that transaction. Enron #1 Storage Well I believe that this refers to the natural gas storage well that Enron Storage Company has been leaching at the Napoleonville Salt Dome. (Garry Wilson would have details regarding status of completion of this well and the high pressure gas storage cavern that is being leached at such site; as stated above Shonnie Daniel, Barbara Gray or Sandi Braband should know details as to what portion of this facility belongs to the Bridgeline Venture with Texaco. Dow Wells #13  These wells refer to the 2 gas storage caverns that Enron Storage Company leased from Dow Chemical under a Capacity Lease transaction for gas storage use until the Enron owned Storage Cavern that is/was being leached at Napoleonville is completed. As stated above, Shonnie Daniel, Barbara Gray and/or Sandi Braband should be able to advise what contractual rights, if any, ENA retained upon entering into the Bridgeline Transaction. Idled Meters I am guessing that this refers to well connect meters that have not been removed from non-producing gas wells, or to meters retired to HPL's warehousing facilities. Shawna Flynn is the lawyer most likely to have information on this subject. Cain Bros. Easements (SVH has no information) Calcassieu Terminal / Melba Clark Crude Line (SVH has no information--suggest you contact Jack Simunek) Steve Van Hooser Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith EB3877 Houston, Texas 77002 713-853-7238 Brandi Morris 04/02/2001 11:20 AM To: Steve Van Hooser/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: HPL Assets This is our list. If any of these look familiar let me know! Thanks, Brandi THE ASSETS: San Marcos Pipeline Property Allen Compressor Station Enron Field Services / Nacadogches Gathering System Matagorda Terminal Robstown Flare Crawfish - Plant Sale Crawfish - Land Sale Texaco Purchase Assumption Parish Enron #1 Storage Well Dow Wells #13  Napoleonville Salt Dome Idled Meters Cain Bros. Easements Calcassieu Terminal / Melba Clark Crude Line