Enron Mail |
I just spoke with Krystal at Kern and John Stafford at Patina:
Kern Legal will not finish reviewing until Monday. At that time they will approve, revise, or reject the changes to the Assignment Agreement. I reiterated that Enron is comfortable with the changes. John Stafford is comfortable with Gerald's Indemnity Letter Agreement (below), but would strongly prefer to have the indemnity language incorporated into the Assignment Agreement itself, if it is possible in a timely fashion. John indicated he would be willing to conference in with Gerald and Kern's attorney(s) first thing Monday morning if we felt it would be helpful. Bottom line: It looks like we can shut the door on this, one way or the other, on Monday morning. Tyrell Harrison 303 575 6478 Gerald Nemec@ECT 04/13/2001 10:58 AM To: Tyrell Harrison/NA/Enron@Enron, jstafford@patinaoil.com cc: Barry Tycholiz/NA/Enron@ENRON Subject: Indemnity Agreement Attached is a letter agreement which specifies ENA's indemnity obligations for Patina wrt the Kern Transport Agreement. Please review and if acceptable print and execute along with the Kern River assignment form. If you wish to discuss, please contact me at (713) 853-3512. Thanks for your assistance.