Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Mooring Facility Construction
Date:Mon, 15 May 2000 10:22:00 -0700 (PDT)


All the following are working documents since we have no executed agreement
with LIPA or any other entity at this stage.

Here is the LD information from the PPA:

Here's the force majeure section:

Here's our initial permit working document parts of which may be directed to
EE&CC. For now assume the entire list is our responsibility.

Here's an initial cut at scope and a draft materials list:

Utility coordination is a bit of a mixed bag because we have to work with
LIPA on transmission issues and KeySpan on site access and demineralized
water supply issues. KeySpan is also LIPA's contractor for transmission
operations. We are hoping to structure a management services agreement with
KeySpan where they would provide mooring space, interconnections for water
and power as well as operation and maintenance services.

Let me know what else you need. I'll keep you updated as we move closer to
agreement with LIPA/KeySpan.

Scott Monson

Gerald Nemec
05/03/2000 04:53 PM
To: Ron Tapscott/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott A Monson/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Steve Van Hooser
Subject: Mooring Facility Construction

Attached is a draft of the turnkey construction contract for your review.

Ron, As we discussed, Exhibit A - Scope of Work will need to be included.
Please note the following points:

1. Liquidated Damages - Need to assess a value for these damages.
2. Force Majeure - This would currently provide EE&CC with relief from the
In-Service Date requirements and consequently, the LDs. Is this acceptable?
3. Permitting - Need to specify in Exhibit F, those permits that ENA would
secure, and make EE&CC responsible for any others.
4. Utility Coordination - Currently this is very generally. Are there
specific responsibilities that should be stated in this Agreement wrt the

Please review with these in mind. I will be out tommorrow and Friday. Let's
plan on meeting Monday to discuss the draft.