Enron Mail

To:gerald.nemec@enron.com, candace.bywaters@enron.com
Subject:Re: Reimbursement Agreement between ENA and HPL
Date:Thu, 18 May 2000 07:32:00 -0700 (PDT)

Gerald & Candy,

Per your instructions the Draft Reimbursement Letter Agreement between HPL
and ENA.

Eric Gillaspie
Enron Building 3886

Gerald Nemec
05/16/2000 05:39 PM

To: Candace L Bywaters/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Eric Gillaspie/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Reimbursement Agreement between ENA and HPL

I will get something to you within the next couple of days. Should be a
straightforward letter agreement.

Eric, Let's discuss in the morning.

Candace L Bywaters
05/16/2000 08:41 AM

To: Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Nathan L Hlavaty/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve HPL Schneider/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth W
Subject: Reimbursement Agreement between ENA and HPL

Please advise as to the status of the agreement I requested you draft for
me. Specifically, I seek a reimbursement agreement with HPL as payee and ENA
as payor whereby HPL will be kept whole on its costs to install the Lockhart
meter for Southern Union. We are currently awaiting the final word from El
Paso to determine if they elect to participate in this meter as is allowed
them under the JV Agreement., so the reimbursement amount will either be
HPL's full share of $44,000 or half of that amount, as you know from the
Lockhart Agreement in which you participated.

Please let me know where you are on this.

Thanks, Gerald!
