Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Staff Question re: 115/230
Date:Wed, 28 Mar 2001 13:20:00 -0800 (PST)

Richard Bellak called to say that Gulf was providing the needed technical
information. Let me know if I can help. I may be able to help with the staff
but I don't want to interfere with a Gulf presentation. Let me know.

<<< <Gerald.Nemec@enron.com< 3/28 3:01p <<<

Russell, I reviewed this with our business guys and they were fine with
what you represent here. We did not check this with Tom Balcerowiz and he
needs to take a look at it. Have your technical people gotten with Tom yet
on any of these issues? If not then we can run it down on this end.

Our only concern was that reliability between Gulf's 230 kv system and
AEC's 115 kv system was not addressed. It was our understanding that this
was a question of the PSC staff. Are there plans to provide any
information concerning this item, or is no information available from AEC
for such assessment?

Any word concerning WFEC's response to our petition or any filings they
have made with the PSC?

"Russell A.
Badders" To: <Gerald.Nemec@enron.com<
<rab@beggslan cc:
e.com< Subject: Staff Question re:

09:35 AM

Please review the attached document.* Mr. Bryant and possibly Tom on your
end may want to see this before it goes.* I hope to transmit this to PSC
Staff Thursday March 21, 2001.* Thanks
(See attached file: staffissue.doc.doc)