Enron Mail |
In response to your voice mail today regarding the request to proceed with substation I offer the following. I spoke with Jim Alexander today who should be in touch with you tomorrow. The overall cost profile of the respective construction requires us to authorize this level of expenditure to provide the up front engineering work, drawings and to place the order for the transformers. Jim will be responsible for providing me with any details that you need to justify the authorization request. I will follow up with Jim tomorrow although I will be travelling after approx. 10:30 am and want to make sure we get this ball moving. As you recall, our estimate of construction timing was short when we originally requested the initial release for the power line and substation work. ECS submitted a separate release for the power line work but the substation release has lost another 2 1/2 weeks of the schedule. If you have any questions or need to contact me over the next 2 days, please call my office at 853-3463 and have Melissa page me or leave a detailed message. As I mentioned to Teb, contact Gerald Nemec at 853-3512 to pick up and facilitate our execution of this agreement while I'm out of the office. I will be back on Thursday. Thanks mk