Enron Mail

Subject:Reminder -- All Employee Meeting
Date:Thu, 28 Sep 2000 11:07:00 -0700 (PDT)

This is a reminder to join Ken Lay, Jeff Skilling and Joe Sutton at an
all-employee meeting at 10 a.m. (Houston time) Tuesday, Oct. 3, in the Hyatt
Regency Houston's Imperial Ballroom. They will review Enron's financial and
operating highlights and discuss in more detail the strategy behind Enron Net
Works and our wholesale marketing efforts. The meeting will be streamed live
on IP-TV to employees in Houston, Omaha, Portland, New York, Calgary,
Toronto, London, Stockholm, Frankfurt and Amsterdam. We will also broadcast
the meeting via video teleconference to employees in Sao Paulo, Rio de
Janeiro, Buenos Aires, San Juan and Dubai.

For this meeting, the IP-TV viewer has been made available on an Enron
intranet site. On this site, viewers will be able to see a video stream of
the speakers as well as the slideshow presentation. To watch the meeting on
the IP-TV web site, type http://iptv.enron.com in your Internet browser or
click the link provided. If you do not have the IP-TV viewer installed,
please follow the installation instructions on the IP-TV web site.

Once at the IP-TV site:
Click the "Special Events" button.
Select "All Employee Meeting" from the list of programs available.
The next page will present a list of sites that are able to view the event.
If your site is not on the list, please request a video of the meeting from
Mary Clark in public relations.
If your site is able to view the event, click the "continue" button.
The next page will present a video window and a slideshow window.

If you would like to submit a question during the meeting, you may do so by
clicking the "Ask a question" button beneath the video window. Your question
will be submitted to the employee meeting in Houston. Ken, Jeff, and Joe
will try to answer as many questions as time permits.

For locations in Europe, a separate reminder for the event with instructions
on how to access IP-TV will be sent in advance of the meeting.