Enron Mail

To:gerald.nemec@enron.com, cris.sherman@enron.com, rhett.jackson@enron.com,ranabir.dutt@enron.com
Subject:Revised Purchase and Sale Agreement
Date:Thu, 31 Aug 2000 10:32:00 -0700 (PDT)

please provide any comments asap
----- Forwarded by Shonnie Daniel/HOU/ECT on 08/31/2000 05:31 PM -----

"HAL HALTOM" <HALTH@andrews-kurth.com<
08/31/2000 05:11 PM

To: <Shonnie.Daniel@enron.com<
cc: "ROB TAYLOR" <TAYLR@andrews-kurth.com<
Subject: Revised Purchase and Sale Agreement

Attached is a revised draft of the Purchase and Sale Agreement incorporating
the changes we discussed today. Please send me your comments to this revised
draft. Hal.

- BL NBP PSA.doc